View Full Version : Support please

21-04-10, 18:43
Hi All,

My father is very ill at the moment, he's 82. He has had COPD for a long time now. Last week his breathing was bad, he is really week, now has fluid on his lungs, its affecting his heart. He cant even feed himself. He's still at home! We live about 140 miles from them, so i'm not really sure of the best thing to do. Also, have 5 children so need to work out the right thing.

I'm not sleeping to well, having bad dreams, my feet are constantly cold, especially left one. My legs are so achy when I walk, aches and pains in the ribs and left side. Is this part of me being tense??

I really am confused, we had to cease our business, financial problems and now my dad.

I don't know what i'm meant to be thinking and feeling and can feel myself going into my health anxiety again. Have a bruise on my foot and thinking its serious.

I really need some guidance and support at the moment if poossible please.

21-04-10, 19:17
I don't really have any advice to offer but it sounds like you are going through a really tough time at the moment & I just wanted to offer you some *hugs*

My father also has COPD but his isn't that bad (at the moment) he has improved slightly recently and very rarely uses the nebuliser anymore but I know this won't last & I dread to think what he has to come as we live 90 miles from them so we will be limited on what help we can offer & it is such a hard thing to deal with.

Hope someone can help you x

21-04-10, 19:33
Anxiety can definitely play havoc with your circulation and nervous system, causing the symptoms you're getting, EmmaJane. It can also cause the muscle tension.

It must be a lot of stress for you at the moment and it's not surprising you're feeling like this. Could your dad not get home help/care?

I wish you and your dad all the best anyway and hope you can find a solution, but please don't let your HA spiral out of control thinking all this is something serious.