View Full Version : Any Suggestions???

21-04-10, 19:36

I don't have anxiety or panic attacks as such. However for the past 3 weeks my chest has been hurting on the left and over my heart and also my left arm has been hurting, both of these feelings have been there daily for the past 3 weeks. Is this due to anxiety?

Also I have been feeling drained of energy and a little out of breath (not hyperventilating) even if I am just sitting down over the past 3 weeks also. Is this due to anxiety?

I am 27 and visit the gym 5 to 6 days per week, therfore I would say that I am in good health.

I had a few ECG's over a year and a half ago and blood tests and all was fine. But this physical stuff is weird and leads me to believe that there might be something seriously wrong with me?

Any suggestions or answers would be great.

Thank you all
