View Full Version : armpit pain...

21-04-10, 19:37
Hey it's me again, lol...and totally being anxious about my left armpit being sore....I was let go of my job on Friday afternoon and have been over the moon with anxiety, and then I helped move my friend on Sunday...do you think I might have pulled a muscle and that it's stress and muscle pain. I'm being crazy right now and thinking of this pain all of the time, and completely affraid that it could be breast cancer....when I touch my armpit it hurts, but there are no lumps...it looks swollen but it could be from me poking it....*sighs* calm me down...plllleeeeaaaassseeee! my other armpit hurts too sometimes and my left breast....but, it could all be related to my HA.

21-04-10, 19:48
I recently had a bout of armpit pain too, lasted for few days then nothing.I thoroughly checked myself over & found nothing so thought I would just see how things would go & would get myself checked out if it didn't improve but it went on its own accord. Most likely you have pulled something especially if you helped your friend to move & it will sort itself soon enough.