View Full Version : Depressed

21-04-10, 20:42
Does anyone else just randomly feel depressed for no reason whatsoever?

This evening I just feel down and randomly I've just started feeling really down about everything yet my life is OK.

Not only that but when I start to feel down I then start to get physical symptoms like wanting to cry, watery eyes, knots in my stomach.

I hate it :weep::mad:

21-04-10, 23:20
I cant be alone here surely?

21-04-10, 23:59
You're never alone at NMP !

I get like that as well- there is no reason for me to depressed but I am sometimes engulfed in grief.

I make a list (on going list) of all the things I should be grateful for (even if I am not grateful) and I read that to get me through the inexplicable sad times.

The list has really basic things on it like "I know how to cook", "I am to read"- things like that then there are more complicated things like "I can drive" etc.

it actually helps me- maybe try it


22-04-10, 00:32
Good idea. It just feels like sometimes a feeling in my body or a thought in my mind will bring me down for no reason.


22-04-10, 01:47
It's the worst ! I can be going along having a positive day and then suddenly saddness jumps on me.

One time I saw a donkey standing outside a closed barn door- squinting his eyes against cold wet rain- I cried for an hour ! Up until that point I had been having a good day.

Is there anything specific that seems to trigger your sadness? My triggers are usually related to animals- I am such a whimp !

Noel E.
22-04-10, 03:30
This is going to sound a little silly, but if youre ever feeling down, just go to youtube. Search for "laughing baby" and if that doesnt put a smile on your face, I don't know what will.