View Full Version : An update on my pedicure and HIV worry

21-04-10, 20:46

I posted a few days ago..I got cut at a pedicure on my toe and was worried sick about getting HIV or Hep C from it in case the instruments weren't properly sanitised..I got reassured from here somewhat but health anxiety got the better of me..on top of that my Grandmother had a stroke and heart attack..I am living on the other side of the world with my Husband so that was and still is stressful..so I just got so overwhelmed so I went to the Doctors yesterday and asked her to look at my toe...she said it was only mildly infected and gave me antibiotic cream. I told her about my HIV/Hep C fears and she said the chance of me contracting it in that manner is very very very small but she would do the tests for me to help put my mind at ease given my anxiety and my worries about my family at home..so right now I"m waiting on the tests..trying so very hard not to worry and not imagine I will die of AIDS...and my life with my husband to be is only just beginning.

Would love some encouragement from you on here, Im beside myself with bad anxiety right now with everything going on. I'm also getting married in a week's time..I know I need to put my energy into that and thinking about my Gran..but health anxiety is always there...

Thanks everyone for listening..good thoughts for me please!!!

21-04-10, 20:52
You've got a lot on your plate just now and that's why your anxiety is so high. When your anxiety is high then everything seems magnified. That's why you've focussed on the hiv thing. We've all done it, so you're not alone. I hope your gran is okay. The run up to your wedding will be stressful and everyone feels stressed at a time like this. I'm sure that everything will settle down once the wedding comes and you'll enjoy it and have a lovely day and put all these worries behind you.
Myra x:hugs:

21-04-10, 20:59
Awwww hun. ((((((hugs))))) :hugs:

Easier said than done but try not to worry. Your going through so much at the moment with your wedding & your Grans health that no wonder your anxiety is heated. I always find that when I have stuff going on I always feel worse.

The test results will come back all clear & that will give you the energy to concentrate on your wedding & everything else that needs your focus.

I know how debilitating HA is. It consumes you & you can't think of anything else other than the awful things that you think is happening to your body & how helpless you are. You are fine though hun & your going to have an amazing wedding day without this hanging over you.

I've not really said anything of any use to you but I just wanted you to know that you aren't alone.


21-04-10, 23:16
I am sure you will be fine, honestly you won't have either of those infections.

The chance of catching HIV even if you sleep with a person who actually is positive is less than 1% so I think your chances are pretty slim.

Your HA is very high at the moment, it can take over your thoughts. I get like that when I am stressed out.

21-04-10, 23:45
Thanks everyone..

It's just what I needed..I'm trying to focus on things away from HA....

I got the Hep c result back....negative...

now i just need the HIV one to come back ok..