View Full Version : Weirdest head symptom ever...

21-04-10, 20:58
So I haven't been on here in a while. Health anxiety has calmed down a bit, but it hasn't fully disappeared. I experienced a new symptom yesterday that's just so bizarre, I thought someone here might know what's up.

Let me describe what happened: yesterday morning, I take my vyvanse (like I usually do now). Later that afternoon, I smoke a bit (in celebration of the holiday). So later on, for a while, I'm just sitting around, using my computer, and relaxing. Then all of a sudden the weirdest thing happens.

I felt like something "snapped" in the back of my neck, or like something went straight to my head. It was this really strange head rush, almost, except it felt like it was preceded by something happening in my neck. It felt "serious," like something physical actually happened there. Right after this happened, I began to experience a bunch of facial pressure and a weird sensation in my throat, like stuff was trying to come up (I managed to cough up some phlegm in response to this sensation, but that's normal). The only way to describe the head feeling is just as pressure, not pain. For some reason I felt like a lot of blood just rushed to my head all at once (my nose could 'smell' blood and I could taste it, but none appeared).

The whole feeling worried me a bit, so I just began walking around and trying to breathe. I managed to walk across the street, go eat dinner with someone (didn't really eat much though). A few hours later I was feeling better, and just relaxed and went to sleep. I woke up today, and all I really feel is a sort of lingering facial pressure, and my neck is a little sore to the touch in the area where whatever I felt happened, happen. Besides feeling a bit on edge and anxious about the whole ordeal, I feel pretty fine.

Anyone experience anything like this? Do I need to get checked out? It's kind of difficult to google since the symptoms are so strange and vague. Since nothing really out of the ordinary happened besides the feeling and the facial pressure. I feel like it might have to do with a nerve, or a blood vessel, or something. It might also be a brain zap, but I can't say for sure (I'm uncertain if I've experienced brain zaps before, but I feel like I have). It's so strange because of how "physical" it felt.

21-04-10, 23:02
Most likely nothing, but you do have quite a bundle of nerves and blood vessels that pass through your spinal column. You may just have a minor misalignment, some tension, etc. Wouldn't hurt to see an osteopath or massage therapist, maybe get the neck imaged.