View Full Version : Hello....

22-04-10, 04:06
My name is Gemma and I came across your forums whilst googling symptoms :p (Which I have now tried to stop doing!!!!)
I'm at Uni and just came away from home, and lately I'm really anxious about everything (mostly because of being so far from home I'd imagine). But mostly it is to do with my health... or my family's health.
I am currently sitting up at 4am and unable to sleep as I woke up a little feverish and I'm still quite shakey. I am a bit scared to go to sleep.
It's getting a bit hard to live like this, every time I get a pain I assume the worst. It's horrible. Also, I am doing Nursing at University so I tend to get whatever I am currently studying... I'm hoping these forums can help me a wee bit?
So I thought now would be as gooder time as any to introduce myself, and hopefully someone will be awake that I can talk to to take my mind off of how I am feeling.
Sorry if this is the wrong place to post, I haven't read any of your forum rules yet properly... Or atleast I'm in no state to really take not at the moment.
Nice to meet you all :)

p.s. I know how ironic it is for me to be doing Nursing when I get this worried about health related problems :p but I'm hoping I'll get over it in time.

22-04-10, 04:42

Thank you for replying! :) Am glad someone is still up! (edit: aaah. You would be if you're from Australia :p should have checked that before!)

It does indeed - I think I've always been worried about things like this but since I moved away it became a lot worse. Knowing that there's not someone here if it does turn out to be anything... Does that make sense?

I also know that :p When I talked to my Doctor about it she told me about all the things that she has had!

Am feeling much calmer now :p been doing breathing exercises and singing and playing games :) All good distractions. Might try to go to bed in a little while...

22-04-10, 05:10
Med students generally have the worst health anxiety. So you are definitely not alone.