View Full Version : Hello my name is Lovely Lyn

Lovely Lyn
22-04-10, 09:03

I don't know why this is happening to me. I have depression but I have everything a husband, a daughter, 3 step daughters, 4 grand children, brother, sisters, mum who is still alive. I used to love all of them, I dont know how to feel love any more, I dont know how to feel anything any more. I had a great job that I can go back to at any time, but im too scared, I dont remember how. I dont have money issues. So why is this happening to me? I dont sleep, well I go to bed at night but wake up early hours of the morning and think. Think about everything, negative mainly. I dont eat, well everyone make me but I dont feel hungry, I eat but dont know where the food goes, I never feel full, is this normal? No nothing I am going through is normal. I want this to go away, Im so frustrated.

22-04-10, 09:05
Hi Lovely Lyn

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

22-04-10, 09:19
if you have depression yes you will feel like this,,, have you seen the docter ,if not it would be a good idea ,xx

Lovely Lyn
22-04-10, 09:33
Yes I have seen a doctor, many I have been hospitalised a few times. I have been on a new medication now for about 2 and a hlf months. I have a good day and a bad day. This pattern wont break and happens religiously.

22-04-10, 09:43
hello lyn,
it is normal and there is hope. Have you read claire weekes books, you will gain an understanding of whats happening to you and how best to tackle getting better. I feel for you, its so scary and very very frustrating.
take care x

22-04-10, 12:48

I don't know why this is happening to me. I have depression but I have everything a husband, a daughter, 3 step daughters, 4 grand children, brother, sisters, mum who is still alive. I used to love all of them, I dont know how to feel love any more, I dont know how to feel anything any more. I had a great job that I can go back to at any time, but im too scared, I dont remember how. I dont have money issues. So why is this happening to me? I dont sleep, well I go to bed at night but wake up early hours of the morning and think. Think about everything, negative mainly. I dont eat, well everyone make me but I dont feel hungry, I eat but dont know where the food goes, I never feel full, is this normal? No nothing I am going through is normal. I want this to go away, Im so frustrated.

Lovely Lyn,

Yes what you're feeling is normal, but sadly normal for depression. If you do have good days and bad days try keeping a diary of what you were doing when good and bad happen. It's not a cure for depression but will help you to remember the good is coming after bad. The real good news though is that it will not last for ever.

Have a good read on the site's forums and you'll find your not alone, and there a plenty of people to help and chat with you and wonderful bits of humour and good news. As they say a problem shared is a problem given away :noangel:

22-04-10, 13:23
Hiya Lyn, welcome :hugs: