View Full Version : i dont normally suffer from these but

22-04-10, 09:32
for the past 4 days i have had the worst eptopic beats. I am 23 weeks pregnant & im ok when im sat down but when im up and about they are awful!

i have been feeling ill & tired for the past few days & now have a dental abcess.

Im not even anxious but am now beginning to worry about them. whats wrong with me :weep:?

22-04-10, 10:33
i had exactly this when i was pregnant. my daughter is now 7 months old.
i had a heart trace at doctors and also a heart scan, it is apparently very normal during pregnancy to have these funny beats, missed beats etc. I know alot of people who had this. But you should still see doctor anyway, with you being pregnant.
i also had abcess too as i was worried about this during pregnancy but was given antibiotics that are safe during pregnancy.
hope this helps
sarah x

22-04-10, 10:49
Hi i wouldnt worry i had them worse when i was pregnant, i also get them worse when im tired or poorly so it maybe due to that too. Anyway please get some reasurrance from your dr otherwise you will be worrying about it and making yourself feel worse, the doctor told me that it can be due extra adrenalin because now you have yourself and your unborn to protect when your body gets the 'flight or fight' response. x

22-04-10, 12:36
I have just got back from the doctors and have to have to have an ecg tonight at 6.30 :(

im so very worried now x

22-04-10, 12:38
I have a feeling the ECG will be fine. It is very common in pregnancy and cause by hormonal changes

22-04-10, 12:54
I bet they are only doing the ECG as it is a new symptom and your pregnant, try not to worry. Try and relax till 6.30 and distract yourself by looking at cute baby things on the net or make a list of things you need for the baby, focus your mind onto something positive. Im sure you will be fine xx

22-04-10, 13:01
Try not to worry, I get these as well especially if I am ill or tired, like today where I was up most of last night with poorly baby. I had an ECG on Tuesday as I have been complaining about this & pressure on my chest & both got worse when I moved around, the whole procedure took a matter of minutes & I go to get the results next week,I'm guessing if there was something that they were worried about they would have had me in before now.
Just put your feet up & relax between now & then, try to do something to take your mind off things & please don't worry x

22-04-10, 14:23
hi tash, when they happen if you feel your pulse can you actually feel your pulse skipping a beat? if you are very gassy and the air bubbles are in your chest when they pop or move it feels exactly like your heart is missing a beat its horrible and scares me to death, im sure your ecg will be fine and you will feel much better for it

22-04-10, 15:48
HI rebecca, yeah i take my pulse & i can actually feel it happening. I wish it was gas :( it happens most if i run about or and busy, so when my heart is actually working harder. Makes me worry a lot!

22-04-10, 19:07
hi all, back from my ECG which was clear apart from a little fast. No eptopics were seen but is it safe to assume that if my ecg was clean my heart is healthy?

22-04-10, 19:47
Thats great news. I would be reasurred by getting the all clear through an ecg. I bet they start to reduce once you feel better from your abcess, also i forgouff i have read to say a lot of stuff i have read say that ectopics can be caused by the vagus nerve which is a nerve which travels past your stomach and heart therefore makes sense you would get them more when pregnant because everything is squished up higher and closer together. Try not to worry (easier said than done, i wish i would listen to myself more often!) XX

22-04-10, 21:27
Try doing a little cough when you get them, it seems to get rid of mine xx