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View Full Version : reassurance please - breast pain and lump

22-04-10, 10:05

I posted on here the other day that for the past few months I have had breast pain in left breast and thought I could feel a small lump. I went to the dr on Mon who had a good feel and said it feels different to the right one but nothing stands out to him, but because of the pain I should be referred to the breast clinic, which I was pleased about as I was so worried I wouldn't get referred. I had a fibroadenoma in this breast back in July and had it surgically removed in August. I have been very good and not poked and prodded as I have to wait for an appt to come through and I know if I obssess over it I won't be able to go on and will just have a breakdown:ohmy:

The tenderness and lumpy bit on on the edge of the breast near the armpit, my previous fibroadenoma was not in this place but was close I suppose.

My question is do you think this could be scar tissue or something to do with the surgery even though its not in the palce the lump was removed?

Lumps in the breast are my biggest fear so I am in my own personal version of hell right now. I have a lot of stress at the mo - my son is disabled and been ill recently and my grandad died etc etc. I find life difficult as it is without this hanging over my head. I am really scared. I'm 28 yrs old.

Thanks for reading, sorry its long


22-04-10, 13:04
Im so sorry you are going through this. I bet that it is just scar tissue, im glad your going to get it checked out though. When I had a c-section last september, i had a huge lump under the incision and I was sure it was something bad. Turned out it was just scar tissue :) It takes time for it to heal and Is the lump painful because you keep poking at it? I have lumps on my legs and I am constantly poking at them causing pain lol. Anyways best of luck to you!

22-04-10, 13:33
Hiya, had exactly this (it is what started my HA) pain and felt a lump and all was fine.

It is really unlikely (especially at your age, you are some 10 years younger than me!) to be anything serious, esp as what you decsribe are the symptoms of fibrodoanema which you have had before. Good luck, let us know how you get on.

22-04-10, 14:01
Hello Mogwog,

Firstly let me give you a hug :hugs: I know exactly what you are going through, and how awful it is waiting for appointments to come through. You are doing the right thing by leaving it alone, otherwise you are just going to aggravate the area, and drive yourself crazy.

I think it is very likely the lumpy area has something to do scar tissue, it isn't uncommon for surrounding areas to change slightly. It could also be another area of fibrodoanema - extremely unlikely to be anything sinister - your age is very much in your favour. It is impossible not to worry, but try to hold on to the thought that a short while back, last Aug when you had your op for fibrodoanema, absolutely nothing untoward was found.

I hope your appointment comes through soon, and your mind will soon be put at ease. :hugs:

22-04-10, 17:08
Thanks for all of your advice.

I try and think that it was onlt 8 months ago that I last had a scan and I remember he actually scanned that part of my breast but my HA takes over and I think I am going to die because there is something bad there. I feel like I am riddled with it:weep:

Does anyone know roughly how long it takes to get an appt through after being referred to a breast clinic - I have been referred before but have always got so bad that I have paid A LOT to be seen privately and we just can't afford that at the moment, so I just have to wait, whether I like it or not :(

By the way my biggest fear is Breast Cancer so i'm an emotional wreck.
