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existential crisis
23-01-06, 11:15

I would consider myself well on the road to recovery when it comes to anxiety and depression but there is one thing thats niggling me - this weird feeling that something isn't quite 'right', or something is 'missing' or that something is going to happen. Its quite mild and I can deal with it but it bothers me sometimes. Has anyone else experienced this when recovering? Im going back out alone and coping far better than I was before. I'm not really scared of much now and if I am I can usually push myself through it and get on with stuff but I still cant shake the above feelings! Its very irritating - it doesnt make me anxious, just pisses me off. Any thoughts would be mucb appreciated. Thanks. Clare. xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

23-01-06, 17:30

Many congratulations on doing so well !!

The feeling of uncertainty is one that takes a bit longer to shift and will come as your overall confidence grows


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
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