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22-04-10, 12:58
I had a lump on my thigh well rather a bulge lol and the dr said it was a lipoma. Just a fatty tumor. Well I still dont believe her. Is this normal for hypochondriacs to now trust the drs diagnosis? She told me if I had cancer I would have many other symptoms. I know deep down she is probably right but i still cant get the thought of having cancer out of my mind. Also Do you ever convince yourself that you have some certain disease and even think about what would happen to you? Like say if you got terminal caner? I just am so worried about what would happen to my 7 month old daughter. Im only 22 and I want my life back! I am up all night worrying i have cancer and im driving my family memebrs mad!

22-04-10, 13:12
I think most of us feel the same at times, I know I do & reading the post that said what is wrong with me today really hit me that I am not alone, my recent self diagnosis have included brain tumour, MS & heart disease.

If you are concerned though ask your doctor to do some further tests on the lump to put your mind at rest, you are quite within your right. x

22-04-10, 13:16
I think i may go in and ask for more tests, Its really not a lump its def just a bulge, and I think tumors are more formed she said. I guess i jsut have those crazy thoughts of did she feel the right spot and is she sure about this.

22-04-10, 13:22
Hi, Ive got one aswell on my thigh. I found it about 6 weeks ago. I havent been to the doctor but I know its a lipoma. My husband has one aswell. Ive done alot of research on this and they can come if your hit or bruised yourself in this area, they are usually painless, and they are usually easily moveable under the skin. They can also just happen for no reason. Some people are prone to them and have many. Ive got a friend who has had over 10 of them cut out on her thighs, back and arms. You are fine. I always question the doctors diognosis and thats because we are suffering with health anxiety. Our minds play tricks on us. Take care. Adelle :hugs:

22-04-10, 13:23
thankyou adelle :)

22-04-10, 13:29
Hi Mamajane

My husband has 3 of these on his legs and 2 on his side, all have been checked by a doc who said they are lipomas. One of the ones on my husbands leg is quite visable. I know I would be wortying too because thats what I do about everything! But rest assured these are lipomas and are very common.

Hope you start to feel better


22-04-10, 13:29
Hi mamajane,

I have them on my back - it has taken me weeks as a HA sufferer but I finally believe my GP's (have been to 3 with them!) As my hubby keeps telling me, they see lumps all the time and would refer you for tests if they were not certain it was a lipoma.

Take care, Nat

22-04-10, 14:09
Thankyou everyone! This is making me feel a ton better! We really should use this forum to encouarge eachother and to fight our health anxiety! Its time we start living not worrying about diseases and other things!