View Full Version : im crashing after just a month of hope

22-04-10, 13:04
Hi, I was put on effexor in december and built up to 150mg it took 3 months to help and for the last month I was feeling better normal almost with some bad days. But for the past 2 weeks I've been slipping hard again and the meds seem useless. I don't know where to turn am scared of being so low again

22-04-10, 14:26
Its still early days Chris .TRY to accept you will have the odd day when you dont feel so good .No one goes through life feeling good all the time ..If it doesnt improve maybe a small increase will help you ,so have a word with your Dr .Excercise is good for boosting your mood and get plenty of sleep .Maybe youve not been looking after yourself properly .Its easy to think the worst when we have a blip .but it does ususally get bettter the less we think about it ..Hope you feel back to where you were before in no time ..Luv Sue xx:hugs:

22-04-10, 15:15
Hi Sue I'm used to having a few bad days but this has been nearly two weeks its like I'm slipping back I'm exercising lots and back at work but my mind keeps hovering around depressing subjects which upsets me so much, I'm worried that things aren't going to get better

22-04-10, 15:52
Like I said Chris ,it may be that an increase is needed for a while .I had the same happen to me on Citalopram .I upped my dose for a while then after a few months went down again after a very stable period .I dont feel any worse for it .Youd be better discussing the possiblity with your Gp .Unless there is a reason for the blip;ie .circumstances or Stress ,It seems the best way forward at this time .How long have you been back at work ? do you think that this may have contributed in anyway ? Sometimes it can be that we take things to quickly and overdo it before we are ready .Im sure this will pass one way or another .It does help to put a strategy in place to help with the bad thoughts ,when they start as they can certainly bring you down ..Take care and all the very best Sue x