View Full Version : faling back

23-01-06, 11:22
Hi all. Just to say after my successful surgery and putting it off for years last June I felt so much better for months, I did things in the garden and home I hadn’t done for years, partly because I couldn’t see and mostly because of the tiredness and anxiety. I could get about a bit with a big push but only with wife in her care or kids in there cars but enjoyed nothing at all. I felt just really ill 99%of the time and like most of us always thought I had the worst wrong with me. then all this changed, I felt good and wanted to get up in the mornings and get things done, Before this I was always scared to do to much as I didn’t think I was well enough to overdo it and even simple jobs like painting I though I was going to over do it and die from heart attack or something. I kept pushing and things changed, I felt so much better, I done the entire garden which is quite big, I built a new shed. Workshop in the garden, I built a pond and got fish, I decorated the entire house inside and out, I just didn’t stop all summer and autumn and had bits of bad days but overall I felt great. I went most places shopping etc but this was usually with wife or kids in there cars but it was great compared to what I had for so long. Now I think this is all going again. I have had a bad cough and started the old worrying thing about lung cancer etc, Doctor sent me for a Spiro meter reading and nurse said that was fine, Doc told me to take peak flow reading am and pm for 2 weeks without inhaler then for 2 weeks with so he could se the difference. He also sent me for a chest x-ray this hasn’t come back yet as they say it takes about 3 weeks. I have been phoning surgery daily LOL after a week to see if it’s come back yet as things like waiting for medical results really scare me. Any way I hope I don’t go right back to where I was it was so good to feel better and do lots of things I used to like doing. I was better but I don’t think the anxiety really goes 100% but was great to feel that much better. But last few months I have been sliding back worrying about health, and the mornings have been hell again, it’s so hard to get up in the morning and even when I do get up I feel so ill it takes ages just to put my socks on. I then have to sit when I come down and my tummy problems have returned feeling really nausea when I get up then having to run to the toilet. I really don’t know if winter has got anything to do with this as it’s either to cold or to dark to go out into the garden to work of the anxieties. But am really scared I am sliding back to where I was when I felt really bad a couple of years ago. Thanks all for listening Vernon

23-01-06, 12:08
thanks space, I just phoned doc's and x-ray came back with no abnormalties. so could be the old IBS playing up again, or old age pains lol, take care lucy , VErnon xx

23-01-06, 12:11
Verny - try not to worry hun, we all do this and hate waiting for results of anything.

You have made such great headway this last year don't let the stinky old grey weather get you down. Before you know it it will be spring and that always cheers me up. Meg said she saw the first daffodil out in her garden.

I'm like a daffodil Vern - long green body with a big yella head that turns to face the sun :D:D:D

Big hug poppet - we have to have some poohey days to appreciate the good ones. It's just a little winter blip nothing to get your knickers in a twist about.

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

23-01-06, 15:30
thanks piglet, I think and hope you are right, but i do feel horrid today, got the x-ray back clear but so breathless and full of pains lol. take care, Vernon xx

23-01-06, 17:28

Glad all is well with tests. Its horrid when we do have real concerns and we get all worked up about them.

The fear is a direct result of those fears and thus will take a while to subside especially whilst you do have a tight chest from a cough.

Start JFDI ing a bit more as the real cough subsides and prove to yourself that it is just a phase.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

23-01-06, 17:51
Glad the x-ray was fine mate - you may still feel anxious for a while, while your body catches up with what your head knows (if that makes sense).

have a lovely day tomorrow :)

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

23-01-06, 18:29
thanks all xx