View Full Version : hearing test

22-04-10, 16:48
hi guys
can anyone help me i went to hospital today to check my hearing as i sometimes go off balance and heat noise tetanus well i had some sound test and he said one ear is not has strong has the left i think that's what he meant and he recommended a brain scan has any one else had this done

Cell block H fan
22-04-10, 18:58
hi guys
can anyone help me i went to hospital today to check my hearing as i sometimes go off balance and heat noise tetanus well i had some sound test and he said one ear is not has strong has the left i think that's what he meant and he recommended a brain scan has any one else had this done

Hi hun,
Yes. I am 90% deaf in the right ear. Always have been as long as I can remember. Used to go to Royal Berks hospital in Reading as a kid. But it wasn't until my now 15 yr old son was diagnosed with Bilateral, moderate, sensorineural, high frequency hearing loss at age 1 that I went for a head scan to see if they could find out why I was deaf & maybe indicate why he was too.
To be honest, I didn't like the head scan. Its like a big polo mint. I got half way through & freaked. I am Claustraphobic (or however its spelt) & all the lying still did my head in! lol I cant think what I would be like if I had to have a full body one.
They got enough to be able to tell me they couldn't see anything but nerve damage though. So I have never looked into it any further.
My brother is deaf in one ear too, so sometimes it just runs in families. My daugher, the second born, has perfect hearing.

23-04-10, 19:35
ive got the same, had ct scan on head and they found nothing, no tumours on nefing in my ear canal which was what i was freaking out about lol. Ive got a follow up in May and they guna do another hearing test and hopefully be better but i still get the pain, crackling and hearing loss in the ear so i think its still bad, they said if hearing is still bad they guna put me forward for an MRI. Im freaking out a bit but quite comforted knowing ive had a ct scan and all normal so unless something was missed then im assuming its damaged ear canal/middle ear from sound or an infection of my middle ear thats just getting worse. i also get rly bad dizziness and wobble regularly. I think ul be ok. Ear problems are bad for makin ppl think its their brain. But keep me updated and il keep u updated on my outcome! :) Take care

23-04-10, 22:57
Your Dr is doing his job and will be ruling out an accoustic neuroma that is a benign growth on the auditory nerve - it is very very rare but its great that your dr is doing a scan to rule it out completely - reason being that it can cause hearing loss and balance problems on one side but please be reassured that it is extremely rare. do you know what scan you are having - they usually do mri which isn't nice if you are claustrophobic as I am but sometimes Ct which isn't anything compared to mri. If you do get appt for mri and think you will panic in the scanner ask your Dr for some diazepan to calm you down. Due to spine problems i have had 8 mri scans in last 15 yrs and I am so claustrophobic but I get prescritpion for diazepan and this helps a bit.