View Full Version : can't urinate male help please :(

22-04-10, 20:24

for a week(at lest) i been finding it hard to pass water(some times it can take upto 45 second's) bit discomft down below and a dribb after i pass my urine

been to the doctor(twice) and she tested my water there and told me nothing show up and it could just be anxiety as i have paruresis

i don't know what to do next as am find it hard and embarrassing:blush:

please any help on what i can do next

please help my anxiety going over drive

andrea thompson
22-04-10, 21:54
hiya hon

you are going to be fine . anxiety can affect us all in many different and strange ways. you need to go back to the dr. i am sure this is nothing serious. i have worried aboput every health problem i have had and got myself in some right states. its always turned out fine. go see the dr and get this sorted. and dont worry. you are just dwelling on the negetives because of your state of mind.
take care x x

22-04-10, 22:31
thank you andrea
i keep thinking it's the big c, all this stressing and looking after my dad making me feel low
i feel like am at the edge, and trying my hardist to walk away. but it's like something pushing me back.

sorry i sound like a big looney

23-04-10, 11:42
Your doctor needs to test more than your water. I am sure its nothing, but there could be plenty of (harmless) reasons and these should be checked.

In my other answer to your other post, I asked if you had started an anti-depressant lately as SOME, not all have this as a side effect for some males. If you started one recently, it might need changing. If you have been on one long term, then this would not be a sudden side effect

23-04-10, 12:10
hi mate
for years this has been a symptom of acute anxiety for me.i have often found it hard to go and have also been on chlomipramine,which is recognised as making you feel "like you are peeing uphill".so i sympathise.
but also,i would try not to escalate the panic and fear as this is probablly the root cause,easier said than done i know,but if you have had tests and the tests were clear,then its probably a harmless (but no less distressing)
side effect of anxiety.
good luck mate,take good care

23-04-10, 12:36
I'm with Typer,

If this doesn't pass in a couple of weeks I'd get it checked out again.

You might have an enlarged prostate which is very common, usually benign and easily remedied with medication.

23-04-10, 13:36
the doctor has felt my prostate, witch she said feel's normal.
she say the only test she can run is a psa but as i had the prostate exam it wont tell them much more then they know.
thank you all sorry being a big baby
right now am feeling very stessed, anxiety high(i just keep think i got the big c) and feeling very low(am having to look after my mentally dad) and vey tensed

i just about to finish taking a week of diazepam but am sure i have this issuse way before i notice

24-06-12, 18:00
Dude i have the exact same problem right now, i am freaking out..!!