View Full Version : Nobody hates me as much as i hate myself...

Desprate Dan
23-04-10, 08:04
I know it might sound a bit harsh but its true! BUT WHY? At times i get so low and wonder what its all about (life) that is. So many questions so few answers.. I dont know who i am or what i want from life, i am so lonely i only have u guys on here to share my feelings without that there is just an empty lonely young man. I see so many people in love with a purpose in life.. But i have nothing to live for nothing to work for but yet i still plod on day after day WHY? How can anyone like me if i dont like myself? Dan

23-04-10, 08:58
Well at least other people don't hate you :)
This is the time where you work out what you want from life. Some people don't do that and they just amble through thoughtlessly. You're one of the special ones.
In love does not equal purpose! If that were true, every person who fell out of love would end up purposeless and that's not what happens.
With all this plodding, eventually you will find something to live for. Carry on plodding until you do... then you'll be skipping :D x

Desprate Dan
23-04-10, 11:28
Thanks, i have thought long and hard about what i want, and guess what ( i dont know ) all i do know is that i really hate the way i feel, its like i have reached a cross road in life and i am stuck frightened to take any path incase its the wrong one, as a child i worried how i would cope when i grew up, but told myself all the jigsaw pieces would eventually fit into place, but hey i am still waiting.... I tried to force the peices together and ended up in an loveless and abusive for 6 years "why did i stay you may ask" because i felt part of something, and felt needed not by my partner but from her daughter i loved her as if she was my own..