View Full Version : I've just listed a couple of books on Ebay

23-01-06, 14:40
Hi Guys

I probably shouldn't advertise as such but I know that a lot of you are interested in these books and possibly don't want to pay full whack for them.

The first one is Claire Weekes - Essential Help for Your Nerves


and the second one is What to Say When you Talk to Yourself


I hope you don't mind me posting here but these books really did help me so I'm hoping they can help someone else too.

Take care all and good luck with your recovery

Rach xxxx

"True acceptance means 'facing and relaxing' - it is submission" (Claire Weekes)

23-01-06, 15:22
Hi Tygyn, I am sure lots on here would benefit from Clair Weekes Essential Help for your Nerves, I have a coppy of this and had it for ages now got it from e-bay too, But I dont think you realy get good value for this type of book from e-bay so good realy you posted it on here as most bids will come from here. I will bid on the other book you have I have read many books but havnt seen this one. We have a book swap going on on here somewhere but cant remember where it is but am sure Nic or one of the others will have the post link. take care, Vernon

23-01-06, 15:39
Cheers Vernon!

The second book is also a really good book and was recommended to me by Meg and others on the site.

I've got to get rid of everything because we're emigrating to Australia in March!!! Good God I must be mad! I just figured that if I'm going to be anxious it might as well be about something constructive! LOL

Take care

Rach xxxx

"True acceptance means 'facing and relaxing' - it is submission" (Claire Weekes)

23-01-06, 18:32
wow tygwyn you dont beleive in small steps, good luck with ausie try aand post to let us know how u go. tc vernon