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23-04-10, 18:52
Over the past 2 years my life as been ruined by various health issues ( or not as the case may be ) but after talking to a work mate who i didnt realised suffered from the same anxiety issues that i have , i have made a effort to try and concour my problems... i feel that talking about it may help.

My problems started about 2 years ago when my wife and myself found out that our 10 yr old son was being sexually abused by a neighbours son, the whole judicial process dragged on for over a year. During this time and to the latter stages of the court case i started to suffer from palpitations in my chest which as you all know when you are woken by them at 2am in the morning are very frightening...added to the fact that my heart rate was around 200bpm( of course i checked it)...i got myself into one hell of a state. After various ecg's and test the doctor decide on a drug to lower my heart rate which did nothing.....after several more visits i went onto a anti-depressant which i have to admit did the trick. After the court case i decide to come off the drugs and all was well until around 6-8 months ago when various work colleges lost family members and my own mother was admitted into hospital i started to feel the anxiety again. My problem is that iam unable to think straight, no matter how much i try and convince myself there is nothing wrong i still get negative thoughts. The anxiety has manifested itself in several ways...the palps have come back,when i go the doctors i suffer from white coat syndrome and my blood pressure goes through the roof...i have to check my pulse 10 times a day but i dont know why...i get various flutterings in my groin , i also get pains down my arms and into my thumbs and lots of other things to long to mention. If i read in the local rag that someone has died from something it really effects me and i know it wont be long until im anxious again. After speaking to my work college who has suffered from the same thing since 1970's i know im being totally irrational but i just cant help it. It seems im just in one huge cycle...i feel ok...get a twinge then spend 2 weeks worrying....the whole process starts again.

What are the options apart from drugs to be able to free myself from this?

23-04-10, 18:54
Hi dudkat72

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

23-04-10, 20:02
Hi there. I see echos of your life in mine. I to will read, hear or see somethign that shouldnt really impact on my life, but somehow it does.
The only advice I can offer in regards to medication is to maybe try a beta blocker, for instance propranalol. These pills help to lessen the effect of adrenaline on your body, making things like the racing heart,palpitations and shakes much less severe.

23-04-10, 20:19
Thankyou for the reply...propanalol was the drug that didnt work...although it was a very small dose....10mg if i remember correctly.
Im currently caught in a cycle that i cant really get out of, which i know is really silly.
Im not nosey but what are your symptoms?

23-04-10, 22:18
In regards to a panic attack mine vary so much. I think my main problems are heart racing, full body shaking and a tight throat with nausea. It depends on how severe the attack is, if its bad I get tingles in my hands.
10mg is the standard dose as far as I can tell, you can go up higher, but then they start to affect your blood pressure. I have to say the propranalol wont stop the panic attack or all of the symptoms, but it takes the edge off. For instance I had an attack this morning before I had taken the pill and ended up shaking until I managed to calm myself down. When the pills are in my system I dont shake at all.
Ive been in my current state since Xmas eve. I'm still working my way out of it, which isnt easy, but Im sure ill manage it at some point lol.
The one thing Ive found that is super helpful (which I previously scoffed at) is relaxation. If you can get a relaxation cd or even an app from itunes itll help. I play mine on my ipod every time I feel my anxiety starting, or if I knew something stressful was coming up.
Also I was sent this leaflet from my NHS therapist. It might help you :)
Enough waffling lol. If you have any more Q's please ask. Im by no means an expert, but maybe I can say something that will help hehe.

25-04-10, 21:36
I find that relaxtion tapes can help as well. I understand what you mean about being unable to think straight..anxiety takes over 24 hours a day when its really bad.. Its good that you have a colleague to talk to. I have problems making those around me understand the condition and all of the symptoms it can produce.