View Full Version : For the ladies xxx

23-04-10, 19:53
Hi all.
Just hope some one can put my mind at rest, i been suffering from health anxiety for around 10 years now - even writing this is making me fill quite light headed and shaky.

I had some discharge a couple of weeks ago so I saw the GP in which he took some swabs from me, i got my results back 3 days later and they came back fine, although the doctor gave me some canaston duo. I had my period 2 weeks early which was normal flow etc, but still getting the discharge, it seems to slow down if im not thinking about it but the minute I think of it I seem to get a fair amount come out. As the GP gave me thrush treatment I though maybe the thrush never fully went away so I repeated the treatment yesterday evening but im still getting the discharge - Im so worried about this pls pls help.

Thanks Di xxxxxxxxx

23-04-10, 19:58
Hi Di. I am the queen of discharge (yes, it's a title I proudly bare :) ) If you don't mind me being personal, what sort of discharge is it? I find that I get different sorts and different times in my cycle. I have been to the docs quite a few times with this and in the end the doctor just told me that some people natually have a lot of discharge and I am one of them. Lucky me. One thing I will say about it is that the more you pay attention to it, the more obsessed you become about it. If your swabs came back OK then it is most likley just normal discharge and nothing to worry about.

23-04-10, 20:04
Hi, thanks for quick reply.
The discharge appears watery yet stickey it doesnt seem to have much of an oder to it, mind you 3 days ago it had a brown like colour to it then turn a little more pink. Sorry for putting it this way but the feeling I get is as if your on a period and when you walk you can feel the blood coming out.
With this discharge i do get a very slight discomfort in the abdo, but again I dont know if thats anxiety related.

Thanks xxxx

23-04-10, 20:28
I always found that I had heavy discharge in the second half pf my cycle, after ovulating. If it carries on, I would chart it and see whether it comes and goes at a different time of the month. Most likely it is normal hormone changes that are causing it. If it comes at the time that you ovulate it could be this, as that can cause a little spotting and also could be responsible for the pain you describe. I have had every sort of discharge but they are all gone now I am breast feeding my daughter and my periods have stopped so I am pretty sure it was all hormonal and will probably all return once I stop feeding.

23-04-10, 20:33
Thanks hon xx

23-04-10, 22:50
Hi I had chronic thrush for years without really knowing I had it!
I think my problem was the thrush was inside and I was only using the cream on the outside. Have you tried using an applicator that allows you to insert the cream inside the vagina?

Cell block H fan
24-04-10, 16:16
Hi all.
Just hope some one can put my mind at rest, i been suffering from health anxiety for around 10 years now - even writing this is making me fill quite light headed and shaky.

I had some discharge a couple of weeks ago so I saw the GP in which he took some swabs from me, i got my results back 3 days later and they came back fine, although the doctor gave me some canaston duo. I had my period 2 weeks early which was normal flow etc, but still getting the discharge, it seems to slow down if im not thinking about it but the minute I think of it I seem to get a fair amount come out. As the GP gave me thrush treatment I though maybe the thrush never fully went away so I repeated the treatment yesterday evening but im still getting the discharge - Im so worried about this pls pls help.

Thanks Di xxxxxxxxx

I had what you are describing years ago, I was freaking out in the end, drove the boyfriend at the time mad, had tests done, nothing, the doc even gave me a special cream that you insert with a plastic applicator, thats supposed to reset the good bacteria? Didn;t make any difference. Sex was a bit of a nightmare as the bed would be soaked! (he wasn't that great so it was nothing to do with fun!) lol
In the end the doc said as you're stressing about it, its making it worse. I never believed stress could cause that to hapen. But after that I stopped worrying & it eased off a bit.
I think some people are just more prone to it. Its annoying! When I had my smear the other day there was a wet patch on that long tissue they put on the bed, after I got off?
And I know I haven't got an infection because I haven't had sex for nearly 2 years now! lol
The nurse didn't say anything.
Just gotta hope my smear comes back normal now. But ive had them every year up until 3 years ago, so I know its not connected to that.
Honestly, its really very common. And dont go googling! Because I did that at the time & thought the worst. But I am still here 8 years later! :shades:
Have a good weekend. Its going to be a hot one!