View Full Version : Very worried - permanent mouth ulcer

23-04-10, 21:56

I have had a small ulcer/blister in my mouth for approximately 5 weeks now. It is on the side of my inner cheek, and is not painful at all.

After I eat, it is more prominent. However, after, it keeps dying down so I can't feel it so much. Yet it is still present, and does flare up after I eat.

Having it for 5 weeks has led me to believe I have mouth cancer. I spent the whole evening last night crying, worrying I have cancer, and as I have had this blister for so long, I am panicking to the extent where I think I might have terminal cancer.

I am away from home, from my family and my doctors and dentist because I am at university. However I did register with the doctor over here, but it will take a while to be on their system before I can book an appointment.

Does anybody have any advice? I am panicking here and I cant even bring myself to call my parents because I don't want to worry them, and I know I will just break down on the phone.

Thank you.

Going home
24-04-10, 00:37
Hi molotov, it sounds to me as if you may have a blocked saliva gland rather than a mouth ulcer. Ulcers can be very painful and because it seems to be irritated more when you eat a blocked saliva gland sounds more likely. When we eat the inside of our cheeks produce saliva through these glands and if one of them is slightly blocked then it would swell up, though it can be very painful also. When it happened to me a few years ago the doc gave me some antibiotics and these worked more or less straight away in reducing the swelling.

Anna xxx

24-04-10, 01:23
I really hope so. You have made me feel so much better, I couldn't thank you more. I have been a mess these last two days, and have so many assignment deadlines, I really need to focus.

I hope I get a doctors appointment soon, but I feel reassured xx

Cell block H fan
24-04-10, 16:07
I agree with Going home. My kids dad had a blocked saliva gland, the only other thing it could be is an allergy of some sort.
Although at your age (i'm assuming you're young) I dont expect you have false teeth! But my mum had an ulcer type thing on her tongue for months, it didn't hurt, but she got quite worried in the end because it wouldn't go, even with anti biotics.
Turned out she was allergic to her dentures!
My money is on the saliva gland for you.
See what the doc says.
But seriously, dont go worrying about anything serious, you're far too young for anything like you're thinking of!

24-04-10, 16:50
Hi OP,

Even if it is a mouth ulcer they can last a couple of months, and anxiety or being run down can make them difficult in healing. I have had one in the past and my tooth kept rubbing it and it took a long time to heal.

If you are still worried and it does not improve then I would suggest mentioning it to your dentist, they are far better with oral disease than your doctors, they will be able to tell at a glance if it is an ulcer.

I think but I am not sure but they are caused by bacteria, so try washing your mouth with warm salt water (Sea salt), best of luck, Peter

28-04-10, 13:24
Hi guys, thank you all for the reassuring posts.

I went to the doctors this morning, and it was diagnosed as a mucous cyst. There is no treatment at such, as mine is small right now. However, if it gets any larger, I will need to get oral surgery to have it removed. The doctor reassured me it was benign :)

28-04-10, 14:04
Molotov, go to any supermarket and get Corsodyl, very good for ulcers. I agree with Peter, the Dentist would be the best option.

01-11-15, 15:36
I just searched about 'Permanent mouth ulcers' on Google and it lead me to this website. I'm not sure about my case though... This small ulcer thingy has already been in my mouth (under the tongue) for a few years (about 4 to 5 years), I thought it was some kind of ulcer and did not bother to care. After I saw this post I am starting to get worried, is it infectious or contagious?

I know I'm super duper late here. I'm so sorry!! I'm new to this website so I don't know how it works