View Full Version : constant symptoms...please help

23-04-10, 23:03
hi all,been suffering with chest aches,pains when i press on chest achey shoulders and arms , acid pains burping,breathless tingling all over(like ants) body numbness in hands,burning patches on skin.cant seem to accept its all anxiety,because its constant 24/7 even when im not feeling anxious,had loads of blood tests ecg,doctors about 10 times this year all comes back normal,but just worried even when im busy doing things and walking etc..really getting me down just need reassurance,if anyone can help(cant stop thinking its heart trouble)please help.

23-04-10, 23:44
well they are all anxiety symptoms - have you read this...


23-04-10, 23:51
yes but every day for months,is this normal,maybe a subconcious thing???

Sammy J
24-04-10, 00:00
This is me to a tee Puppyskin and it is all anxiety. I'm suffering terribly with all of those symptoms right now but am sussing out a pattern (after nearly 3 years of it).

Mine kicked in big time earlier tonight as I started revising for my driving theory test in the morning, after a long shift at the hospital where I work and getting up at 6am this morning. What a nightmare.

I hope you relax mate :)

24-04-10, 00:13
thanks,but i wish i could get out and do stuff,its really taking over my life,where its all about me me me,everyday seems like today is the day something bad is gonna happen,i have no life enjoyment anymore, really tiring checking pulse and bp and focusing on syptoms everyday.

24-04-10, 14:11
Hi - I've had and still have all of those symptoms, almost daily too. Some good days, some bad.

My Docs have told me it's anxiety. Am seeing a counsellor again, as that can really help.

Also, someone mentioned meditation here... I often use meditation CDs (you can buy them as downloads) from a company called Brainsync... they are SO relaxing, as they put certain frequencies int he background music that are scientifically proven to calm the brain... to be honest, I always get so relaxed, that I've never heard one until the end, as I ALWAYS get SO relaxed that I fall asleep... there's a really good one on their website for people like us who have anxiety / health anxiety. It's called 'Healing Meditaion'.

Here is the link to the website (are we allowed to post external links here?) I just think it would maybe help you relax: http://www.brainsync.com/shop/healing-meditation.html

I've used that one lots and lots of times and it calms me down.

Hope that helps. It's not easy to unwind I know when you are feeling so many symptoms.

24-04-10, 15:08
ive said it before the mantra of a hypochondriac is "even when im not anxious i feel it". the facts are you are still hyperaware of your body and any sensation is blown out of proportion, thats your automatic response, so even if you arent anxious and panicked and freaking out, most sensations will make you anxious and nervous and you will focus on them and analyze them and try to link them to other sensations youve felt and so on and so forth. trust me its anxiety.

27-04-10, 00:39
thanks all.xx