View Full Version : Sciatica - pain in the butt - literally

24-04-10, 00:26

Im 24 and I've suffered on and off with sciatica for a few years now and its started to flare up again over the last couple of weeks and its quite painful. I was wondering if anyone has sciatica and could give me any advice on how to ease the discomfort/pain?

Thanks :)

24-04-10, 01:22
Hi B-Gal,

Ive had a lower back pain on and off for the last 18 months, part of it seemed to be in the sciatic nerve area. I didn't find any instant relief for it, but i did see a physiotherapist who pushed me about a bit which seemed to help. Then ive been going to a back fitness thingy for a couple of months, you do exercises and stretches that help to strenghten and stabalise your back .. which seem to have helped alot. I think you can find exercises and stretches to that will help on the net.
Hope that helps .. take care

25-04-10, 22:18

Thanks so much for your reply! I'll have a wee scout on the web to try some exercises :)


25-04-10, 22:26
My doc taught me a few excercises and it helped my sciatica massively, i have also had acupuncture for it after being bedridden with it and it worked instantly for me.

I would definately look into the excercises though................fingers crossed my sciatica has stayed away for a couple of years now after excercising.

di xx

26-04-10, 01:20
Thats really good. Mine isnt debilitating or anything just now. Its painful on the right side of my bum and is usually if I lie down flat I cant get up again without rolling over....feel like an old woman at 24 lol. Sometimes it will just suddenly get sore. Its gotten a bit more frequent over the last week which is why I thought I should maybe look into getting it sorted.
Thanks again for the comments


26-04-10, 20:39
I've learned over the years that my sporadic outbreaks of sciatica are largely "stress-related". I can get physically tense in response to what is happening in my life/mind, though lifting/bending above my comfort zone can bring on the same...

So, may I suggest something that works (for you) to reduce physical tension, whether it be massage, exercise, swimming, progressive muscular relaxation, or whatever loosens you up tension-wise.

Hope this helps in some way...

Care about you as a friend that I just haven't met yet!!


26-04-10, 23:01
I had it bad too .I went to Physio and did lots of excercises which I still do to keep my muscles strong .Also an Osteopath that was brilliant .This was private I went 4 times .I have a Tens machine I use when my back is playing up and havnt had it back for years .touch wood .:doh:Sue x