View Full Version : Chest and Heart worries

24-04-10, 00:34
Today I've been feeling weird. I woke up feeling 'off' and a bit dizzy. My chest has felt heavy all day, at one point everytime I breathed in it hurt my lower chest, my side and part of my arm. It went away after a few mins but it left me feeling worried. I tried to just put it down to some sort of trapped wind but my anxious mind is trying to tell me different.

At the moment my chest feels tight and when I take deep breaths it feels... 'odd', not normal. Like when you come in from a walk on a cold day when the air has hit your lungs, that sort of full feeling. I've been feeling nauseous too and also had some palpitations today and a few flutters, probably because I've been quite anxious at times. I've only just been in the hospital a few days ago, I had a chest x-ray, bloods (Including D-dimer for clots), an ECG and the usual checks which all came back fine.

Could I have developed something since then? Or do you reckon it's just plain anxiety? It sure doesn't feel like it.

Looking forward to your replies, I just need some reasurance. :)

24-04-10, 00:39
well we can't really diagnose anything based on that and we would be wrong to.

If you feel really bad you need to see a doc.

Sorry not much help but I cannot say just go to bed and ignore it.

24-04-10, 00:40
All I can say is that you know when it is not normal and need to call a doc. If it is a usual pain then it is nothing serious

Going home
24-04-10, 00:51
I know talking about heart stuff is scary, but to be honest, if there was a real problem with your heart then you'd really feel it. I think people with a fear of heart attack can only imagine the pain it brings, but the imaginary heart attack is nowhere near what the real thing feels like. You've had some tests very recently and they were negative so try to accept the results. Alot of your feelings now could be because you're still anxious, but only you know your own body and if you really feel that there is a problem go back to them and tell them.

Take care
Anna xxx

24-04-10, 17:12
Thanks for the replies. I didn't go to the hospital was I was only there a few days ago with chest pain and they gave me the all clear. I was there for hours and they couldn't find anything wrong at all so I figured if I went agin i would probably be the same turn out. I'm trying not to run to the doctor/hospital everytime I feel something.

I know you can't diagnose me over the internet, and it's not a diagnosis that I was after, just an opinion.

Today, I have the same sort of feeling in my chest, like congestion. No chest pain, no palps or flutters just a weird tight sensation. If it gets really bad or doesn't go away in a few days then I'll be sure to go to the docs. Thanks again. :)

24-04-10, 17:29
Sounds like the mischievous anxiety at its tricks ! :mad:,,, Best get checked out if it puts your mind at rest :)

You will be fine :bighug1:

25-04-10, 19:17
My chest tightness seems to have eased off a little. I was so dizzy last night and this morning, my head hurts now and my eyes have gone funny. It really is one symptom after another with anxiety...

sarah jayne
25-04-10, 19:43
it definately sounds like anxiety to me, ive had it lots, either that or costachondritis
If it was your heart then it wouldnt hurt to breathe, has anyone mentioned costachondritis to you ? I suffer from this and it can mimic the symptoms of a heart attack put is harmless, it also causes pain in the chest wall which means that sometimes it hurts to breathe, it took 2 years of suffering to get diagnosed with it but it put my mind at rest when i did ( saying that i do still have the odd panic attack about my heart lol) It might be worth mentioning it to your doc...
Sarah xx

26-04-10, 23:37
The last doc I seen mentioned costachondritis but then said that he thought it was unlikely because of my age (21), he just said to take pain killers. He didn't think anything was wrong with my heart as I had an echo, holter etc done quite recently. I'm pleased to say that my chest pain has more or less gone now, just the odd twinge here and there.