View Full Version : every day

jaded jean
24-04-10, 06:03
Hello all.
Just needd to do something as I am feeling so crap at the moment. Every morning I am awake around 4.30 and anxiety has kicked in. it feels as if it has taken over me sometomes. if anything has been planned for the day I get even worse. I am not agoraphobic its the build up I am sure. I am on day 17 of cit whether that is the reason I dont know . Just need some assurance I guess .

24-04-10, 08:30
Hi Jean!

I wonder what happens exactly at 4.30 as that's the time I also wake up! 4.31 last night to be precise!

Today being Saturday and not having to worry about feeling like a zombie at work, I have decided to take a sleeping pill (Zoplicone) as soon as I realised I was waking up and the anxiety was creeping up. I wasn't knocked out as I hoped, but I managed to stay in bed until 7.50 (a new record!) and although I kept turning in bed every 5 seconds and I never really managed to go back to sleep, I was quite happy that at least I only feel half a failure today and not a complete one!!!

Don't let this fool you though: I still had to run to the toilet and empty my bowels (sorry to be so graphic) because of the butterflies (I think of them as bats nowadays! lol) and straight after I kneeled in front of the toilet to try and throw up (I did flush in between the 2 procedures! :D).

I am on Day 8 of Escitalopram so I hope things will change soon and I am keeping my faith in the med for now. Just to let you know that you are not alone.

24-04-10, 09:06
Jean I hope that things start getting easier for you. It's horrible when your body is so upset. Hopefully it will settle down soon and you'll feel much better.
Myra x:hugs:

24-04-10, 10:02

We've discussed this several time recently. It's a normal chemical thing for your body to get you ready to wake up, by givingyou a shot of cortisol / andrenaline. The only problem is that depression/anxiety overloads you with the same, so instead of waking gently it kicks a bit too hard too early.

Bit of bummer really, the only natural cure I've heard of is black tea so you could try a cup of that when you wake up early and then try getting back off to sleep.

jaded jean
24-04-10, 15:14
Thanks for all your support. I actually travelled 30 miles by car to see my dad who I had not seen since xmas. went to asda superstore- cried my eyes out at the enormaty of it all but I DID NOT LEAVE!!! SO jEAN 1 ANXIETY 0.

24-04-10, 15:31
Well done Jean!! Be proud of yourself - you have actually such achieved a lot today!! I know it is so very difficult and upsetting but you will be stronger because of it. :yesyes::hugs::hugs::bighug1:
Myra x

jaded jean
24-04-10, 16:43
Well done Jean!! Be proud of yourself - you have actually such achieved a lot today!! I know it is so very difficult and upsetting but you will be stronger because of it. :yesyes::hugs::hugs::bighug1:
Myra x
You better belive it hun. I will say not only anxiety and a smidge of depression but a huge dose of the menopause is where I am at at present so a few factors to consider. no hrt, Bummer but baby steps turn into leaps and bounds .I have been off work for just coming up to 8 months:ohmy: so maybe just maybe Iam turning the corner:roflmao:
Regards Jean

jaded jean
24-04-10, 19:06
Hi Jean!

I wonder what happens exactly at 4.30 as that's the time I also wake up! 4.31 last night to be precise!

Today being Saturday and not having to worry about feeling like a zombie at work, I have decided to take a sleeping pill (Zoplicone) as soon as I realised I was waking up and the anxiety was creeping up. I wasn't knocked out as I hoped, but I managed to stay in bed until 7.50 (a new record!) and although I kept turning in bed every 5 seconds and I never really managed to go back to sleep, I was quite happy that at least I only feel half a failure today and not a complete one!!!

Don't let this fool you though: I still had to run to the toilet and empty my bowels (sorry to be so graphic) because of the butterflies (I think of them as bats nowadays! lol) and straight after I kneeled in front of the toilet to try and throw up (I did flush in between the 2 procedures! :D).

I am on Day 8 of Escitalopram so I hope things will change soon and I am keeping my faith in the med for now. Just to let you know that you are not alone.
Hey newbie76.
Its been recorded that waking between 3/4am is a noted time to wake up if suffering with anxiety/depression:shrug: I dont know if I have bats just a crowd of people in me head!!My bathroom is downstairs -think of the kerfuffle if I thought mine was just wind :roflmao:
Jean x

24-04-10, 19:09
I nearly always waken at 3ish, but more often than not get back to sleep. I do sympathise with you Jean about the menopause - I think you and I are probably around the same age. Some people say that it doesn't bring many symptoms, but without a doubt I think it does.
Myra x:hugs:

25-04-10, 10:46
Hey Jean,

How was last night for you?

I have started to bring a hot water bottle in bed and I position it on my stomach (where my bats are! :winks:) I feel better since I have started doing that.

Last night I had the feeling I had slept forever so I turned around and looked at the clock and it was 3.30! :weep: So I thought: " I am not going to give up that easily!" I have put my earplugs in, my eyemask on and tried to think about other things but my anxiety and funnily enough, for the first time in weeks I managed to pass the 4.30 threshold and slept until 5.30!!! :D

I am also very proud because for the first time in weeks I didn't have to resort to taking any Diazepam or sleeping pills.

I then stayed in bed until 7.30 when the anxiety grew and grew... then off for my usual routine of going to the loo + throwing up... but hey, one step at a time eh?

I hope things are ok with you today.


jaded jean
25-04-10, 10:52
Hi Newbie. I started a new thread in the general anxiety section. Up early again but because of the reason I have written about