View Full Version : Bleeding Gums - No Gum Infection?

24-04-10, 08:32

I was just wondering if anyone has the same problem as me. For the last five months my gums have bled when i've brushed them. It varys on how bad but it is only my top gum around the same teeth either side. I've tried flossing, mouth washes, gels.

The bleeding started a couple of weeks before my routine, yearly check up at the dentists in November. I mentioned it to him then so he gave me a thorough clean and there was a lot of blood when I rinsed my mouth.

I went back in February as it started to really worry me and my dentist said there was no sign of infection but gave me a course of metrodizonole which didn't make any difference, just gave me a horrible taste in my mouth.

I went to the doctors last week who has given me another course of metrodizonole but its double the dose my dentist gave me and for fourteen days!

I actually thought it had started to get better as the last couple of days i've brushed quite carefully and there had been nothing. But this morning I brushed like I usually do and it bled again.

My doctor told me to go for blood tests which i'm having done on Wednesday. I'm petrified of needles.

I've also started to notice that when I condition my hair there seems to be strands and strands and strands inbetween my fingers. I blow dry and straighten my hair every day. I use good conditioners and heat protection sprays but I don't know whether there is something else wrong.

Also, (sorry this is going on and on!) my front teeth constantly ache. It's only the top ones (the two front and, one either side of them),i've been looking into bruxism (grinding and clenching of teeth) and wondered if that may be causing my gums to become weak and may be bleed when I brush?

I've been worrying about this for months now and really hope someone else has the same problem, just so I know i'm not really poorly.

Many thanks for taking the time to read this rather lengthy post.

24-04-10, 16:06
Hi Amiee

Thank you so much for responding.

Sounds like we're suffering from exactly the same things. Thank you also for putting my mind at rest. It is so reassuring to know that I'm not the only one. I'll let you know how I get on with the blood tests in case there is a linked cause and if there is any cure.

You really don't know how you have relieved my anxiety. Thank you.

25-04-10, 00:44
Ye, my gums started bleeding months ago and I've no idea why. Gums are fine according to the dentist, and my CBC came back fine.
Think I'm going to ask for a liver function test as I'm also losing hair on the top, backs and sides of my head as well as my eyebrows.

25-04-10, 14:45
Lorns, mu gums bleed when brushing and on their own. Try using corsodyl, very good for gum probs. My dentist last year said my teeth and gums looked fine, but as it was a new dental practise I had to have an ?X ry. Within an hour I received a call saying that my bone line was very low and this could be causing the bleeding. Worth asking the dentist for an x ray