View Full Version : Peeing all the time

24-04-10, 10:09
I've never had a problem with rushing off to the loo but recently I've been wanting to pee even if I've only had a small drink and then I go and do loads. I'm also drinking a lot and tired all the time (feel queasy a lot too). Am not diabetic as Dr did some blood tests last year and my blood sugar was normal. Just annoying this having to pee all the time. Anyone else get this? Is it a symptom of anxiety (even when not anxious) or maybe IBS?

24-04-10, 11:09
Have you been tested for a UTI?

24-04-10, 12:32
I only get this if I have cystitis, but then I get burning too. If you had something salty a day ago and had water retention...then when you do wee, it seems to go on forever

When anxious, I wee and wee and wee.

24-04-10, 16:55
Thanks for the replies. I don't think it's a UTI or cystitis as it doesn't hurt when I pee. Just seem to be going a lot and drinking more for some reason. Been going on for a few months now, very annoying having to go to the loo when you've just been

24-04-10, 18:52
hiya, this is a common symptom with anxiety, needing to wee i mean, i get this sometimes and so do quite a few others i know, dont worry, it will pass, but can last for a while xxx

24-04-10, 19:29
This is definitely a common symptom of anxiety, I get this a lot and the more I focus on it the worse it gets. I went through a bladder freakout phase about 18 months ago and I was going several times an hour. I am having bladder issues at the moment again and I have noticed the same thing happening, but I also notice that if I am genuinely distracted by something else I need to go less often. The bladder is very very sensitive to stress and you can get an overactive bladder through anxiety in the same way that you can get IBS through stress. It will go away on its own eventually I am sure.