View Full Version : Hi Everyone

24-04-10, 12:06
Im Claire 36 and I suffer from anxiety and Deppression caused through a relationship breakdown. I am feeling very deppressed today and Im feeling like i will be single forever. I cant stop myself crying.


24-04-10, 12:10
Hi Roses2

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

24-04-10, 12:14
Hi. I promise you won't be single forever. When I was younger I was convinced I was too ugly for any man to love me. I was wrong.
There will be someone out in the world who will just fit you like a glove. You just have to be patient and know it will happen.

24-04-10, 12:27
Hi Roses

Biggest hugs sent.. funny isn't it .. life throws so much at us and yet love is that thing that sends us on a roller coaster .

You are grieving and that is a normal part of the love cycle.. what you are feeling is a very normal and healthy way to feel... it shows you hold so much inside of you to give.. and there will be someone out there looking for it so don't forget to bring that smile back.

x hugs x

24-04-10, 12:40
Hi Roses, you will be o.k i promise, i was in the same boat as you about 15 years ago, my husband left me with 2 young kids for a woman 10 years younger, and i thought i would never be happy again but i was and my doctor told me that a breakup affects you in the same way as a bereavment so although your feeling rearly bad it is a natural response to the situation and you will come out the other side stronger. take care:bighug1:

24-04-10, 12:47
Hi Roses!

Welcome to NMP!:welcome: Hope you find lots of friends and support on here!

Sorry that you're feeling so low but like others have said you will overcome this, you just have to ride out the storm! It will take a little while but you will come out the other side with the sun shining! There is someone out there for everyone and you will find that special someone! xxx