View Full Version : I really NEED YOUR HELP LADIES PLEASE!

24-04-10, 16:23
I am very very worrried about a problem, I know I need to go to the docotrs and I will but want to know if anyone has has this simalar thing, so I am not sooo worried about it.

For the past 3 weeks I have been having some changes in my vagaina area, it burns all the time time, sometimes itchy, and watery discharge a lot. I've asked Dr Google and well that wasn't all that bad, I was surprised, but I have been to two Doctors and they seem to not know what is going on, I had a pap done 5 months ago and it came back low grade cells, I am worried that this problem going on it could be from the low grade cells in my cervix but on the internet it doesn't point to that. My doctors told me not worry about the low grade cells that 90 percent goes back to normal, all I can think about is what if I am the 10 percent. This whole thing has been making me crazy and Im sooo scared that when I have my next pap in a month that it will come back cancer! Anyone have any advice for me? Please!!

24-04-10, 16:34
I dont know much about cervical cancer, but from the little I do know. (from friends experiences) if you had anything in anyway dangerous down there they would have had you into hospital to remove it.
What it does sound like is thrush. Ive had it for a long time without realising it. I would get the burning feeling, my skin would sometimes split, and occasional itching. When you go and have your smear test done ask the nurse to look for signs of thrush.
I really hope your next test comes back ok :)

Cell block H fan
24-04-10, 18:15
I am very very worrried about a problem, I know I need to go to the docotrs and I will but want to know if anyone has has this simalar thing, so I am not sooo worried about it.

For the past 3 weeks I have been having some changes in my vagaina area, it burns all the time time, sometimes itchy, and watery discharge a lot. I've asked Dr Google and well that wasn't all that bad, I was surprised, but I have been to two Doctors and they seem to not know what is going on, I had a pap done 5 months ago and it came back low grade cells, I am worried that this problem going on it could be from the low grade cells in my cervix but on the internet it doesn't point to that. My doctors told me not worry about the low grade cells that 90 percent goes back to normal, all I can think about is what if I am the 10 percent. This whole thing has been making me crazy and Im sooo scared that when I have my next pap in a month that it will come back cancer! Anyone have any advice for me? Please!!

Hi Tinker.
Not too sure about the burning sensation. But even if you had more serious cell changes, which require treatment, you dont get any of those symptoms you mentioned. In fact you dont get any symptoms at all. I certainly didn't, & had to have the Loop Diathermy treatment twice. Thats why they do pap tests.
If you go back next month & the result is that you need to see a specialist, that would mean over the course of 6 months there have been more changes. But 6 months is not enough time to go from slight changes that dont need treatment, to full blown cancer. It would more likely be that they feel Laser or burning it off is the best idea, to AVOID further changes anytime up to 20 years later, believe it or not.
So dont worry. And fingers crossed the next test is back to normal.

24-04-10, 19:31
It does sound like thrush to me, I used to get this a lot. There are lots of OTC treatments you can use, maybe try some thrush cream or a pessary and see if that helps. Bathing in Tee Tree Oil and applying natural yoghurt to the area (rather messy!) helps too.

24-04-10, 19:36
Thank you sooo much for the replies, that has helped me soo much. Sometimes all you need is a different person to talk to that doesn't know you, and yet who does know you because you share the same anxiety.

24-04-10, 19:42
Thank you sooo much for the replies, that has helped me soo much. Sometimes all you need is a different person to talk to that doesn't know you, and yet who does know you because you share the same anxiety.

I know just what you mean! :hugs: