View Full Version : Another newbie

24-04-10, 17:51
Hello All,
I've done this the wrong way around because when I was searching for info about long-term use of Escitalopram, I stumbled across one of the posts and felt compelled to reply.

I was diagnosed with clinical depression in my late 20's and have been on and off medication since then, but I believe I have suffered unknowingly from depression since I was around 7 years old, just after the break up of my parents. I have so many issues that many other members have, but I have always found it difficult to talk. I have visited psychiatrists and psychologists and, possibly due to personality issues, have found some of them irritating and shallow. I know all the terminology and have read many self help books but have found that at the end of the day, there's just me.

People see me as kind, caring, funny and empathetic, and I have too often - at the cost of my own well-being, spent too much time worrying about others. I am currently off work due to a particularly bad spell over the past 2 weeks but just know that I will have to get myself together.

I have suffered abuse of various kinds, from peers and older people and I was relentlessly bullied at high school because I was "different". I left before taking exams because of this (If only the head knew when he told me that running away from exams won't get me anywhere - he had no idea - half of his staff were bullies!). I was always one of those who were the last to be picked when the PE Teacher allowed the "Cocks" to pick their sides for footie. I was never taught to play football because my dad had left, I had no role model, and there was an assumption that all boys should know the rules - well I didn't.

I have gone through periods really low self esteem, self loathing, loneliness and misery. Strangely for me, writing this is calming me down a little - maybe because I know that I am only doing it through a "hole" in my protective "wall"

Anyhow, I truly wish the best for all of you, because I know what a nightmare the mind can be - thanks for listening.:unsure:

24-04-10, 17:53
Hi impetuoso

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

24-04-10, 18:39
Welcome aboard!

24-04-10, 19:25
Hello Impetuoso,
Thank you for telling us your story. My impression of you is that you are a strong, caring, sensitive person with a great insight as to why you have felt like you did over the years, even down to the way you have been treated by others. You have it all sussed. I think you have done wonderfully well considering all you have been through and you should actually be so proud of yourself. I've no doubt that you must find life difficult at times, but I think you are definitely a survivor and will continue to always be. Even the fact that you worry about others, that others find you funny, kind and empathetic shows that no matter how you are feeling you still make others feel important. This in itself takes a particular strength of character. I think you need to take a lot of credit for your own personality because you sound as though you definitely deserve credit. I hope that you start to feel better again and get back to work.
Myra x:hugs:

24-04-10, 23:38
Thanks Diane 07, Vixxy and myra for your kind words.