View Full Version : palps and nausea this is new anyone else have this

24-04-10, 19:03
hi guys, in a bit of a pickle right now, hope you can help me have not had any palps for a while now but today bang got them quite bad urgh, i have been here before so many times but i feel really nauseas does anyone else get this?
i am getting over a bit of a head cold so a bit low on energy anyway.

really thought i was getting somewhere with my anxiety have been feeling pretty good even with a cold, i suffer with HA currently its HIV paranoia, even though i am ok have been tested numerous times , i constantly think i am going to or have stepped on bloody needles arggghhh it drives me round thr bend, i had a moment today even though i have sandals on and could see my toe just that little anxiety thought in my head and im thinking ohh did i didnt I step on something, however nothing stuck in my foot no bleeding walking along a busy street where many many many people have already walked , why oh why do i do this to myself!
anyway palps are bad tonight and i feel sick now to, just want to scream why me !

i have been trying the usual relaxation stuff been for a walk , rationalising etc, thought i would rush here if anyone can help you guys can:yesyes: please sorry for rambling my brain is going 100mph hour and my heart even faster

thanks for reading folks x

24-04-10, 21:30
My palps had been bad for a few days and it is nothing more than down to the anxiety rushing through my body. Im similar to you and been doing ok recently but a few months ago all of the old feelings came back.

What you have to remember is that palps in most cases will not harm you, my doctor tells me that many people have them several times a day but their body isnt tuned into it.....however because we are already in an heightened state of awareness we pick it up easily. Since i read all of the symptoms of anxiety on here recently ive been alot better and havent had palps now for a few days.

Read the info yourself...relax...even watch Britians Got Talent!! ( this gives me palps ) pre-occupy your time with something that will take your mind off the problem...go on facebook....read a book....i go on the kids XBOX and shoot some bad guys!! Anything to focus your mind on something different.

Take care ....you will be fine!