View Full Version : Breathing

24-04-10, 19:07

I keep gasping, deep breathing, yawning an sighing. I also feel blocked in my sinuses and have a tickly cough. My upper back, neck and shoulders ache. I feel exhausted and I can't stop thinking about my breathing.

24-04-10, 19:51
Hi Jo
sounds like you have the same cold as me alot of it about at the moment, i have had it since wednesday blocked nose and it moved into congested chest with tickly cough i to was heavy breathing because my chest was congested, the ache is anxiety related probabaly because you cant stop thinking about breathing maybe take a cold remedy to get things unblocked a bit and ty and relax a bit easier said i know as i m currentky reallllly anxious myself tonight and none of the usual techinques are helping!
hope you feel better soon
vicky xx