View Full Version : Just joined nmp due to great articles / advice!

24-04-10, 21:01

I have never registered to anything like this before, but after reading the "symptoms" page (and alot of the others after!) which was a huge help in itself, I thought why not!

I guess I should start at the beginning, I'm a 25 year old female, who has always been a worrier - but is trying to learn more to overcome it! Back around christmas time, my anxiety was (I say was, as it has lessen slightly recently) at its worse - I've never felt so bad. I'm not even sure where it came from, but, I guess it doesn't always make any sense..

My anxiety seemed to start (or show itself anyway) when I had a period-type crampy feeling in my lower aboman - the doc said it could be digestion related so I was given tablets for ibs. I began to notice (or associate) this feeling with period / hormones - of course my mind went into overdrive and came up with all sorts, the worse being something that would make me infertile. I've not long got engaged (we've been together years) so the thought of not being able to have children didn't go down well..

My anxiety continued to increase and I found myself "checking" symptoms on google. Now, I know google is no docter and that it's a stupid thing to do, but I found myself, almost obsessivly it felt, searching regardless. This of course did much more harm than good - it of course came up with the more serious of illness (like cancer, heart problems etc) and my mind just went into overdrive.. at work I was worrying, when driving, the second I woke up, last thing at night (that's if I got to sleep).. Madness.

Anyway, I had a scan which came back normal (along with blood, urine and thyroid) and after seeing a doc (for my anxiety, rather than abdoman disconfort, who was much more understanding) am trying to accept all my symptons and sensations (tight chest, light-headedness, tingling, aches, pains, etc) are anxiety based. She has refered me to an online cbt course which I hope will help.

Much like many people, I worry bout money, work, feeling slightly unsatisfied in my job ( I enjoy it, but want something more) am planning my wedding (which is fun ,but stressful!), but I guess I am just trying to learn how to deal with my anxiety. My mum is also a worrier and she's often said try re-train your mind now.

I am a naturally inquistive person and generally "have to" get to the bottom of things (i found this out doing my final year dissertation, in which i was told I am like a dog with a bone - and got good marks for). I say this not to sound big headed, as it couldn't be further from the truth, but to see if this (being very inquisitive, enoys researching etc) is true of anyone alse who suffers anxiety / health anxiety? Just a thought!

Thanks for listening, well, reading and I'd love to hear from any of you!

24-04-10, 21:04
Hi penny09

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

24-04-10, 21:29
welcome penny,not only are there great articles,but there are kind,caring people to share (and ease) your worries with
take good care
ASH XXX:flowers:

24-04-10, 22:21
Welcome aboard and its good to have you here :) Get stuck in and look forward to getting to know you


Vanilla Sky
25-04-10, 00:01
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

25-04-10, 19:26
Thank you everyone - your all so friendly and wecoming! hope you're all doin well today :) x