View Full Version : go away come back never.

24-04-10, 21:22
i have been feeling pretty good recently apart from the ear problems...
i have have fluid or something behind my ear drum which is uncomfortable and also... they pop all the time ANNOYING.

i have one swollen eyelid and cheek on only one side of the face..

i am finding it really hard to catch my breath and breathe.... i feel like there is alot of mucus and my throat is closing up...

anyone else had this?

24-04-10, 22:12
no one?

24-04-10, 22:52
It could be hayfever? or sinuses?

25-04-10, 03:04
Take an anti-histamine like benadryl and see what happens. You might have developed some sort of allergy or have a minor infection. That's what it sounds like.

25-04-10, 09:58
I had very similar symptoms last year where i had a feeling of immense pressure behind my left ear drum, symptoms of a a head cold - and i don't suffer any alergies. Went to the quack who checked me out and it appears i had labrynthitis. It was a viral infection that would go come time and it did but i was deaf in my left ear for about 6 weeks. Because it didn't clear up i went back to the doc - appeared i had perforated my ear drum by poking it trying to clear it and it wasn't healing (hence the deafness)....

I'm not saying you have Labrynthitis but if it doesn't clear up, the nurse should be able to advise.

They advise you to pop your ears if you have this to shift fluid from either side of your drum - i know it's not nice!!

Just keep an eye on it, it will work out your system! On the other hand you could be suseptible to pollen n the like!

Take care
