View Full Version : Please help.. it wont go away :(

24-04-10, 22:00
Had panic attack lastnight outof the blue, dont have a clue what brought it on or why it got so bad, i literally couldnt breathe it was horrible, i eventually calmed down using breathing techniques ive been taught in CBT and convincing myself it would go away. However, woke up today and the anxiety was there as soon as i awoke. I felt like i needed to constantly clench my jaw and do funny twists with my jaw and neck coz everything felt 'tight'...does anyone get this, its horrible :( I look like an idiot pulling all these facial expressions but i feel like i have to :( ive been having 'twitches' or whatever they are, my leg will suddenly jolt and move, my fingers do it too, and a twitch in my shoulder lastnight was really scary.. it wouldnt go. Today ive felt awful, everything is piling up again. Basically, right this second Ive got pressure in my ears and my left ear is popping every 10 minutes or so, i feel really 'weird', like my head has lots of pressure like water in it, its hard to explain.

My vision keeps getting wobbly and things r moving when i look at them. I cant concentrate proiperly without having to do that weird thing with my jaw and stretch my muscles to relieve the 'aches' im getting all over. I just want it to go. I keep thinking i have MS. I cant take this anymore. I missed my dose of med yesterday, by accident, but ive taken it today, would missing one tablet have caused all of this???? I feel so stupid now :( I have no diazepams left so cant have one of them. Its so weird im looking at myself type and the letters keep going blurry and its my keyboard and fingers are not real or something.... :( My arms and hands keep going REALLY weak too...like it hurts to move them too much... please help me.

24-04-10, 22:48
Is diazepam the only medication your on, if not what other medications are you taking? I'm not a professional so I don't know what these medications do, only that it sounds like you've seen a doctor cause you have prescription meds. Did you have these same symptoms before you saw the doctor and if so what did the doctor say? If I were you, I would go back to the doctor again. If I were you and I had these symptoms I would think the cause to be physical and internal, not mental, mental would be better, cause I'm sure they really do have medications if it's all to do with the brain and not the body that would help. I'm not a professional and I have no medical background, just using my imagination here, but again, I would definitely get in to see the doctor.