View Full Version : Hi, another new one!

25-04-10, 01:30
Hi, my name's Gemma. I'm 20, and have been suffering from really bad anxiety for a couple of years now and have been suffering from panic attacks everyday for the last few months. It's really bringing me down and is affecting nearly everything in my life and that makes me feel worse. I'm currently seeing a doctor and seeing a counsellor type of person at the doctor's who is working through CBT with me. I'm hoping that this will work. I found out about this site through a friend and I can't thank her enough as I have found so much useful info from this site so far.
So, yeah there's a bit about me, thanks for reading :)

Deepest Blue
25-04-10, 01:45
Hey Gem, :welcome: to the forum, I hope you find the site useful and helpful to you. It's a scary feeling having those attacks constantly happen and I am trying to contain them somehow myself. Hopefully the things you are trying will help you through this, sometimes it's a bit of trial and error to find what's best for each individual, I have only just started CBT just had one session and I found it a little overwhelming because of having to be so open about my feelings but I won't give up.

Take care of you for me.

25-04-10, 01:46
Hi Gem_182

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

25-04-10, 02:34
Hi im Alex and i suffer from Extreme OCD, im just wandering what is CBT like and how long would i have to wait to see a theripist

25-04-10, 02:56
Hey Deepest blue, thanks for reading and replying and welcoming me :) It is definitely a scary feeling and I'm sorry you're feeling it too. I hope the CBT works! And I hope that whatever you are doing is helping you too! What are you doing? If you don't mind me asking..
Yes, I see what you mean about CBT, there are a lot of questions/things to talk about and it is quite scary to open up about things especially when the person is a stranger. I hope you won't give up, just take a deep breath and try and do your best to talk to the person doing the CBT. I've had 2 sessions so far and it made me feel better to talk about things. I hope it works for you!
And thanks, that's so lovely :) take care of you for me too!

Thanks Diane07! I really appreciate that :)

Hi Alex, thanks for reading, and replying. Sorry to hear you suffer from extreme OCD, I have OCD too and can be really hard to handle. I've only had 2 CBT sessions so far and I have found them helpful. I'm not sure how to explain it really.. And as for the time to wait to see someone, I'm not too sure on that, it depends on where you go to. I had to wait 3 weeks at my doctor's which I was happily shocked at! I expected it to be longer! Good luck with it!

pink star
25-04-10, 08:10
Hi all im new to this,
but wanted to post about OCD. i was diagnosed at the age of 6, it was triggered by the death of my nan. I'm now 26 and still suffer from extreme anxiety however OCD is now at its best due to cbt. i have now learnt to control the OCD thoughts (most of the time).
However I find my depression will leave one chapter and turn into another, I am now suffering from extreme health anxiety and convinced I have a brain tumour, (made worse by the fact my mum had one a year ago) I have constant tension headaches which have been investigated and of course there is nothing there but try convincing my anxiety that!!!
Sometimes I feel like I have a constant argument in my head, the small rational side who deep down knows I'm ok, and the large anxious side which always wins the fight!!!
Before the brain tumour it was my heart, not beating properly late night calls to nhs direct as I was sure I was having a heart attack, I'm so lost in all of this and sometimes which I was dead then at least it would be over with, I feel every day is going to be my last, I have two very beautiful boys and they are the only things I try to stay alive for.
If anyone else feels the same please post as I feel so alone!!


Deepest Blue
25-04-10, 12:18
Hey ya Gem, and you're very welcome:hugs:

CBT is something I've never tried before until recently so I am hoping that's a positive move for me. Other than that I am just trying to keep as healthy as possible, not eat or drink the wrong things to see if that helps me too. I have been prescribed meds but I only take Propranolol now as the rest have always given me side effects to the point where I can't usually function well.

Thanks again for replying to me Gem, I hope you are having a nice day.:hugs:

Take Care.x

26-04-10, 15:09
Hi Pink Star.

Sorry to hear about that, but glad that CBT helped with your OCD. That's really great news! But I'm sorry that you're suffering from depression and health anxiety.. :( I get worried about having a brain tumour too, whenever I get a really painful headache I'm terrified of it being a tumour. But whenever I think like this I just try and calm myself down and think it's only my thoughts don't worry, but like you say it is hard to try and convince your anxiety to think like that!!Oh my god, I'm so sorry about your mum :( I hope she is ok now. I know exactly what you mean by having the constant argument in your head, I feel like that and it's so exhausting sometimes! I'm so sorry that you feel like you wish you were dead, I also have felt like this too but it's not a good thing to think about. I'm trying to make myself think more positively, positive thinking goes a long way with this. And like you say, you have 2 beautiful boys and you sound like a lovely person so try and think more positively, I know it's easier said than done, but give it a go :) Also, remember you're not alone. I kept feeling like I was too, and I found this site here and I don't feel so alone anymore x

Thanks Deepest Blue! :) *hugs*
CBT is definitely a big positive step so well done for doing it! I'm the same, I've never tried it until recently and I keep going from it's a positive step to oh god will it help me?!
That's a really good idea, trying to be as healthy as possible cos like you say you can see it that will help, I think I will try harder to that too. I don't drink caffeine which helps cos that's bad for you I think, so that makes me feel a bit better about it! Oh gosh, I'm sorry :( but good for you recognising that you aren't functioning well with them and giving them up. Does Propranolol help any?
No probs! :) thank YOU for replying to me! *hugs* and thank you, I hope you're having a nice day too! :)

You take care too xx