View Full Version : Do any of you get obsessive health anxiety thoughts?

25-04-10, 04:11
Im soo worried about cancer. I will sit and obsess about it all night long and think of what would happen to my child, husband, family, and so on. Does any one else sit and obsess like this too?

25-04-10, 04:22
Hi, Yes I do. Almost daily. I long to be normal and not think everything is a sign of cancer. My husband had to have tests done on his stomach, gallbladder and liver as he wasnt well and he just went and did them and carried on like normal. I on the other hand would have been bed bound with fear of the results. Its so horrible and is so much worse since having my boy 3 years ago. Im so terrified of leaving him while he is still young. Your are not alone my friend.x

25-04-10, 04:26
Oh Adelle Thankyou so much, We are so similar in our health anxiety fears. I wish for once I could go a day without thinking about cancer and not being here for my precious 8 month old daughter. Im only 22 and need to get a handle on this before i wake up and one day be 70 years old and realize that i have worried my life away.

25-04-10, 04:38
Yes, my obsessive thoughts revolve around heart attacks. I'm so terrified of having one, think about them so often, or should I say, the thought often comes into my head. I then even get scared that by thinkin about them so much, it will make it happen.

25-04-10, 05:06
i completely sympathise and am glad i've come across people who feel the same. i'm only 19, but over the last few months i have become obsessed with my health. i must have convinced myself i've had about 10 types of cancer. every time one possibility is dispelled, i move onto the next. it's really getting me, my girlfriend and my family down. like some of you have said, it's as if i can't let myself be happy and contented.

it's ridiculous, i recently convinced myself i had testicular cancer and went to the doctor. he said he could feel nothing wrong but sent me for an ultrasound which showed that things were normal. but i still can't shake the feeling that something's wrong, that something was missed. i'm constantly checking myself, and throwing what are surely normal bodily changes out of all proportion.

25-04-10, 10:22
yeah me too.... im absolutly convinced i have some truly awful illness just waiting to be discovered....at the moment its a brain tumour, last week it was heart problems...i just know theres something terribly wrong with me.. its on my mind 24/7.....when one symptom subsided i relax for a little while.....but then i get another and all the worry comes back...i tell myself "it must be this..or it must be that".....im also suffering terrible derealisation at the moment which im not coping with at all...im convinced this is a sign of a brain tumour as it comes and goes randomly......i cant keep living like this its tearing me apart.. im sure the constant worry is going to give me a heart attack... its as if im just waiting for it to happen.

25-04-10, 10:31
yep all the flippen time..its ruined my life for many years....wished i cud be normall again...

25-04-10, 11:20
I 100% relate to what you're saying. I totally obsess about different illnesss and whatever I am worried about at any particular time dominates my mind. My daughter is four months old and sometimes I just get so so down thinking that I might not be around to see her grow up, I imagine her doing things without me there and it's like mental torture. Even if the doctor and tests show that I am fine, I assume it's only a matter of time before something bad gets me. I have periods of remission from this anxiety where I feel normal and rational, then it hits me again from out of the blue and the obsession can go on for months. This is the first really bad episode since my daughter was born and as you say it makes it even worse, because you love them so much and the thought of ever leaving them is the most heartbreaking thing in the world.

pink star
25-04-10, 11:35
Cattia, I feel the same as you I have 2 boys and im convinced I wont be around to watch them grow up, I have even made plans for them for when i die. Which at the moment will be of a brain tumour but by tomorrow im sure I will have convinced myself something else is wrong.

25-04-10, 12:13
Yes, I feel the same too, sounds like majority of us do.
I'm also convinced I have a brain tumour as I have been dizzy for the last few months, I have been assured that it is just my anxiety causing these symptoms but I can't help but think they have got it wrong.

25-04-10, 13:43
cattia & pinkstar

Interesting what you said about not being able to see your children grow up. I don't have children, but I get a similar thought happening often. I live in Asia and am coming home to visit family and friends soon aftet 18 months away.. I get this thought 'you are going to die before you get take your holiday or you are going to get DVT then heart attack as a result of the long flight''' It does my head in, really it is like obessive thoughts, fuelled by the physical symptoms. grrrrrrr.

I feel for you all.

25-04-10, 20:21
This is me too. I had my daughter 3 years ago and since then I am convinced I have cancer on a daily basis I have had extensive medical tests including a brain scan but they mean nothing to me coz I cannot shake this feeling. I have just had another baby, a boy he is 7 mnts old and my health anxiety has spiralled out of control again. When he was born he had pneumonia and i think its coz theres somet wrong with me. Also my BP went up after delivery so now I am worried about heart attacks and strokes aswell as cancer. My main mind domination at the moment is lymphona coz ive had 7 infections in as many months and I have a lump in my neck. I am so desperate to be here for my beautiful children and I too make plans for them incase I die. This is no life I might make it to old age but I wont have lived half of it

26-04-10, 03:45
I feel the same way all the time, and some days I'm fine and then other days i'm a mess. I have to noticed it more sinze having my son, he is now 4 and am a single mom, so I fear for my son. I've ordered some books hoping it might help me a little bit. Why is it we think that we have something and it comes back ok, then it's like our brains are trained to think this way and if we don't we are doomed! I don't know. All I know is this ruins my life, the life I have here on earth, and this is not the life I want to live, but don't know how to stop from living in fear.

26-04-10, 04:25
Im honestly glad im not alone but i really feel sad for all of us. Along with these constant thoughts im always checking my body for lumps, bumps, and what not. I have a lump on my thigh well its more of a fatty raised area and im sure its cancer even though the dr said its not. I have convinced myself it is. Its so sad that I cant be like a normal person and feel relief after what the dr said. No i think, "did she feel the same are that I did".....man we all need to find some relief!

16-02-14, 21:10
Yes, obsessing about myself, my husband, and my children having cancer is a daily activity for me.

16-02-14, 21:23
I can so relate to your post. I feel the same about "c" nearly everday and my thought patterns exactly the same. For the last couple of weeks it's been thriat cancer as I have a lump in my throat(probably globus though ). Can't skate the feeling and hate worrying about my children too.

Can't offer any real advice except I might try some cbt, which I have never done before and go to my doctor.

I just want to be happy and normal again.

16-02-14, 22:08
Yes, yes and yes.

I even get HA about my cat! :emot-questioned:


16-02-14, 22:12
Yes, yes and yes.

I even get HA about my cat! :emot-questioned:


And I thought I'd seen it all.... I love my cat but I certainly don't worry about his health. He's gonna outlive me for crying out loud!

Positive thoughts

16-02-14, 22:26
I'm serious, my cat got a urinary blockage at the same time as I had to have a cystoscopy for mystery hematuria....I actually spent time wondering how the two could be related :shrug: could we we making each other sick??? :scared15:

Sometimes I look back at myself and laugh for a very long time.

(We are both fine by the way.....for now......!!)