View Full Version : Any recommended reading?

25-04-10, 09:27
Has anyone read any useful books in understanding and overcoming health anxiety?

I need to start challenging my thoughts and getting on the road to some kind of recovery.

25-04-10, 13:16
Definitely, anything written by Dr Claire Weekes. "Self-help for your nerves" was written in the 60's, but it's a wonderful book and I can't praise it enough.

25-04-10, 14:40
Yeah a book called "Stop worrying about you health" George D. Zgourides you can buy this off the internet at quite a good price I admittedly havent read it yet but now writing this im gonna dig it out the cupboard and start .

Jo x

25-04-10, 16:38
There is a great book called 'The Phantom Illness' by Carla Cantor. I am not sure if it is still in print but you can probably get a second hand copy. It explains Health Anxiety so well, when I read it I felt overwhelmed with relief that somebody understood what I was suffering. I also recommened 'Overcoming Depression Using Congitive Behaviour Techniques' by Paul Gilbert'. I used this book because I suffered from depression but this was very uch rooted in my anxiety, and this book would help with either. In the same series there is a book called 'Overcoming Anxiety' and this may be equally or even more helpful. The Claire Weeks book is an absolute must read, it is so reassuring, just the way she writes is soothing and it has some fantastic advice. I also use a lot of progressive relaxation CDs and find these really help.