View Full Version : Hi

25-04-10, 14:48
Hi, I'm new to the site, just going to put a bit about myself. My name is Becci, I'm 21 years old. I finished a degree in psychology last year, and while studying anxiety disorders and phobias I used to think, well that sounds a lot like me, but have only recently admitted to myself that I actually do have phobias. I think it's partly because I think they sound a bit silly and I don't think my family takes them seriously. I have trouble speaking to people I don't know and even members of my own family, I feel uncomfortable and foolish. I don't have friends accept some from school who I've known for about 10 years, but we don't see each other regularly. I have a phobia of using the telephone, and when being forced to use one I usually end up in tears. I am becoming increasingly anxious about walking anywhere, as I get embarrassed when I have to cross a road, this really annoys me because it sounds ridiculous! I am afraid that if I carry on like this I wont even be able to leave the house. I do feel a bit better after putting this down, I just think I need someone to talk to.


25-04-10, 14:55
Hi Becci_T

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Deepest Blue
25-04-10, 16:37
Hi Becci, :welcome:to the forum, I hope you will find the help you need here, there is so much information and experiences shared.

I used to have a huge phobia of the phone and in some cases I still do now, but oddly enough I actually struggle more with people who I know than who I don't know, how strange is that?

I think I've come to the conclusion that in my job I require to use the phone a lot when speaking to customers and support staff so I've developed telephone skills at a professional level but when it comes to making chit chat conversations it's a bit harder to mellow and relax, then the anxiety kicks in and I just want to get off the phone! So in other words, at a professional level, I've developed and learn't a format and how to conduct myself (as most of the time the conversations usually go the same way and you ask the same questions and so on), so it's like programmed in my head.

Maybe what I need to do is apply this logic to every type of phone conversation but how can you reherse or practice a phone call you get from a friend because they are usually random and sometimes even pointless so I get stuck on what to say, especially if what they are telling me is rubbish in the first place lol.

Maybe I've not made much sense but yeah I know how you feel about the telephone.

Hope I am finding you OK,
Take Care:hugs:

Vanilla Sky
25-04-10, 17:21
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

27-04-10, 01:21
Welcome to NMP Becki x

27-04-10, 02:47
Hi Becci,

Welcome to the forum I'ma newbie myself. DOn't have much experieince myself about phobias but I have read a bit about it. In the Phobia and Anxiety workbook. They say of course anxiety which is what I have and phobias is all in the head and the negative thouht process. In this book they talk specifically about such type phobias you experience. I remember one way they suggested for help was to face them straight on, but dsmall steps at a time. For example if you have a problem talking on the phone. Try short conversations with some close friends or relatives. LEt them know what your up to so there will be no pressure. Then inrease the phone times. Crossing the streets, pick a no traffic street and cross it as many times as you can back and forth. then increase this one to aslightly busier street. These are the type of things they talk about in the book. Kind of like (Face your fears) .

Hope this helps,


Veronica H
27-04-10, 09:43
:welcome:to NMP Becci. This is a friendly site with good information and support.


Kipepeo Girl
27-04-10, 10:57
Hi Becci, I'm new too. I'm 22 and already have problems leaving the house, and like you, speaking on the telephone and talking to strangers. If you ever want to talk to someone one to one you can PM me or something. (I hope that didn't come across as creepy as it did to me when I read it back :p)