View Full Version : Drinking Coffee Is Bad

Deepest Blue
25-04-10, 16:41
Hi all,

I don't usually drink coffee but today I was at my parents and they drink coffee so I had a couple of cups but now I am suffering for it, my pulse is racing and it feels like I am going to have a panic attack at any time.

I just wondered if this is normal when drinking coffee because when I was drinking it regular I certain don't remember it affecting me so much.

Thanks for reading.

25-04-10, 17:21

Yes, I'm afraid this is a typical reaction to drinking coffee, especially if you have only just started drinking it again. It's like alcohol, if you drink a lot, regularly, over time, you have to drink more and more to get the same effect.

If you have managed to cut out caffeinated drinks from your diet, well done! At the moment I am really struggling ...

Deepest Blue
25-04-10, 17:43
Hi ya, thanks for responding. I know that if you leave something for a while then go back to it your body can react in a negative way but I didn't expect it to affect me this much! I can quite happily live without coffee so that's OK, but I still drink tea off and on. Cutting this out has been hard but I have been trying everything to help my anxiety, just is scary that when you do finally manage to get out of eating or drinking something the effects it can have if you even dare try it again, even if it's just in passing....

25-04-10, 19:43
It may surprise but weight for weight tea has more caffeine than coffee [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caffeine]. However, tea is normally brewed much weaker than coffee.

The reason for increased anxiety per see is not the caffeine but the stimulation it provokes causing an increase in adrenaline. This can result in glucose being released into the system, which since it is not used is converted into fat. Hence, drinking coffee can make you fat (well a little bit!).

Drinking coffee is though a safe habit, though injury can occur if taken at too high a temperature. In such a case there is a risk of burning the tongue or worse if spilled on your lap.

Enjoy, but do drink responsibly:)