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View Full Version : Traces Of Blood In Phlegm

25-04-10, 16:45
I just wanted to know on a scale of 1 to 10 How bad this is (10 being obviously bad) Im not wheezing or coughing etc, but Phlegm is arriving into my throat, clear and bloody. I havnt got a fever it doesnt hurt when i breathe in, i do get shortness of breathe but when havnt i? Im just worried so i was asking if i should leave it or go to the doctors, is it serious? I just remember my mum saying if i ever 'Coughed' up blood then i should worry.. i dont know, .. chest infections have hit me badly in the past. I also have had these ulcer looking patches on the back of my throat for a couple of years now, i get sore throat when i wake up and sometimes it hurts my throat when i swallow.

Please reply, Ruby :shrug:

Deepest Blue
25-04-10, 16:50
Hi Ruby,

Yes you should go and see your GP asap. It may not be serious but you need a GP to check you out and to confirm you are OK. Sometimes it can even be a nose bleed where the bloody instead of coming from the nose gets mixed up in your throat.

Does it happen very often? It may even be an ulcer so this will definately need to be treated if that's the case. But please please get it checked out..

Take Care.

25-04-10, 16:57
I know that ive never had a nose bleed in my life so i know it cant be related to that, im really worried now, .. :scared15:

Deepest Blue
25-04-10, 17:06
Ruby please go and see a GP asap but main thing is to try not to worry. Infection and inflammation can cause surface small blood capillaries to bust and some blood to mix with the phlegm so it may be just a case of being prescribed antibiotics, however, nobody can diagnose you, not even yourself so make an appointment asap and get it checked out.

25-04-10, 17:09
you can have broken little blood vessles when your coughing up phlegm hun,so dont panic!!!! (rich coming from me!!!) lol.. but i remember my sis having this when her chest was bad, still mention to doc if your worried tho hunni xxxx

25-04-10, 18:58

There can be many reasons to get some blood in your phlegm most are not serious. The thing is you should see a doctor he will be able to put your mind at rest, chances are it will be a simple explanation and you will be fine, Peter