View Full Version : Lymphona worries

25-04-10, 20:30
Desperately seeking reassurance which I know is unhelpful behaviour (cos I am currently in therapy!) but I am worried about cancer in the lymph glands.
I have had health anxiety for 3 years and had lots of tests done then inc brain scan and ultrasound. Everytime I go to the docs now they are very quick to diagnose me with anxiety. However I havent been with my recent health worries. I had a baby boy 7 months ago-he was born with pneumonia which sparked a fear there could be something wrong with me for a start. I have had 7 infections in as many months and I have a lump in my neck which is getting bigger. I am absolutely exhausted every day-I know i have 2 children but this is pure fatigue. My tonsils are swollen (had tonsilitis 6 months ago) and they are not going down. Also, I have had constipation problems for 6 months and strange tingling in my hands and fingers in particular when I itch another part of my body if that makes sense. I keep getting very breathless and have recently started to have chest pains. These are not the similar symptoms I had 3 years ago. I am worried I have cancer in my lymph glands but dont want to blurt that out to my doc to give he more reason to doubt me if you get me. Just coz I have HA doesnt mean I wont get ill. Also my BP went up after delivery and doesnt seem to be coming back down which my doc says is not concerning him - its 160/76 if anyone can relate

25-04-10, 21:16

It does sound as though the anxiety side of things is more to do with how you are feeling than anything else. You have been to your GP in the past so do not worry about any serious illnesses.

That aside please don't worry about going to your GP about your anxiety. Tell the doctor your concerns and that you only seek comfort and reasurance - that is part of their job in situations like this.

Don't worry about the BP. If your doctor is not concerned then nether should you be.

26-04-10, 04:28
I would def go to the dr for reassurance that is what they get paid all that money for. Wouldnt you rather have them tell you that you dont have it than worrying yourself. Im so sorry that your feeling this way but i can relate. If your dr is rude to you maybe you should find a dr you can trust that knows about your ha and will be sensitive to it.

26-04-10, 10:14

Sorry you are feeling this way.

With regards to the lump in your neck, it is swollen because of your infections especially tonsilitis - I have a lump in my neck which is a gland and its quite big but its fine and just never gone back down to its original size due to so many bouts of illness. I had a bad throat infection about 2 yrs ago and was given antibiotics which helped but then every month for a bout 4 months my throat would hurt again and the doc said the infection hadn't cleared up properly but would with time and it did.

Please try not to worry I know its soooo hard but you are going to be fine, also stress can make you feel so tired like the life has benn sucked out of you.

take care



26-04-10, 14:50
Read this thread - http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=49912

You'd be surprised how many of us can feel the glands in our neck. It is neither unusual or sinister to be able to do so, regardless of what else you may have read on the internet. Glands which swell are glands which are efficiently doing their job!