View Full Version : Breathing anxiety and ectopics!

25-04-10, 20:36

I have been suffering with "air hunger" again since Tuesday.

I need an inhaler sometimes if I get a nasty cold (have done since getting bronchitis in 1998). I don't need it often, maybe a couple of times a year for a short period at the most. But in my doctors notes, it says I am asthmatic (which I object to). I went for my annual asthma check on Tuesday and the nurse wouldn't listen to me saying that it was just during illness! I have recently got over a nasty virus and am still using becatide. The nurse really made me feel anxious by going on about me having to use the inhalers and measure my peak flow etc.

I had been feeling really good since getting over the virus and for a week had felt relaxed and happy and well. Since my appointment on Tuesday, I have been panicking about having asthma - I concentrate on my breathing all the time, gasp for breath, yawn, sigh, cough and constantly clear my throat. My muscles in my neck and back are really tense, I have been getting palpitations and ectopics and headaches as well.

I KNOW that I was feeling fine until that bloody nurse scared me. I have never had an ongoing problem with asthma, just if I have a bad virus so why should that change now? Asthma scares the hell out of me as one of my good friends died from it last year - he was only 37. I am in a right state at the moment and just can't get my breathing right!! Help!!

25-04-10, 20:59

Sorry to hear about your friend from last year but please try to keep in mind that an occurance such as that is quite rare.

It sounds as though the anxiety over your situation is getting the better of you at the moment. Go back to your GP and make then listen to your anxiety concerns over this and tell them that you need reassurance - it will help.

Have you phoned NHS Direct/24 and asked for some advice. They are very good at easing concerns.

Please be assured this is more to do with your anxiety levels than anything physical. You even said yourself that the nurse set it off.

Go for a walk, clear your mind or distract your thoughts. Things will ease.