View Full Version : Pain behind rib - please help....

25-04-10, 21:54

I'm hoping someone can help (or at least reassure me)

For the last week I have been getting a pain behind my right ribcage and Im absolutly petrified.

My boyfriend says I have just pulled a muscle, but im terrified it is something more - maybe cancer?

Please help, im beside myself.


25-04-10, 22:19
It's likely you have pulled a muscle, or its wind. I get rib pain alot, and I have put it down to crouching at my desk or computer when working! Have you been curling up a lot recently? Also constant shivering hurts tummy muscles, which is why you might feel pain there after a swim in the sea.
I also have IBS so that may be a factor. You could try stretching out.
I really really wouldn't worry about cancer or stuff like that. After all my years of ribby pain, I'm none the worse. If it was a very bad stabbing horrible and lasting permanent pain, then that would be the doctors call.
Hope that puts your mind at ease slightly.

25-04-10, 22:57
Is it at the bottom of your rib cage? Is it in the centre, or on one side? I had rib cage pain for ages about 18 months ago. Mine was on the left hand side, at the bottom of my rib cage. (I feel like I am replying to every post on here saying 'I had this' or 'I had that', it's just that I have had a lot of things over the years!) I really obsessed about it and thought it was all sorts of things. I went to the doctor who, interestingly, told me I had an extra rib, but that there was nothing wrong with me. I think what had happened was that I pulled something, and then started to obsess and focus on that area which basically made the pain continue a lot longer than it would have done. I have done this with many different areas of my body so I know it is perfectly possible! I can't remember what made the pain go away, I suspect I got distracted by some other symptom, but it did clear up and it turned out to be nothing.

26-04-10, 22:21
Now THAT is interesting, because I have often thought I feel like my rib is growing into my other ribs or into my body and it feels like it gets "caught". Sorry to post again but that is really interesting!