View Full Version : Panic Attack, but have no memory of it

25-04-10, 22:37
I took a really bad panic attack on Friday night, thankfully it was just myself & my husband that were in the house at the time. I remember my mind going into overdrive with thoughts about where am I if im dead (thats my biggest fear, & the main cause of majority of my panic attacks), I remember starting my breathing exercises, trying to think of what a great day I had with my kids.............but then nothing til I was in the toilet throwing up. With my husband saying its ok your not dying........

He said i had started talking about how I felt like I was dying, & that I scared, I kept saying that I loved him, my kids & my family. He said I started asking what would happen to me when im going.

He's been a great help over the years & really patient in the sense he's put up with my panic attacks & my aratic talking during them. But this is a 1st for both of us, one where I remember nothing & he has to fill in the gaps. I still have no memory of it, even tho he's tried to explain it all........

The scary thought for me now is why did this happen, what does it mean & how can I prevent any future ones that survere. I have lost 20mins of my life & thats scary. Ive been suffering from panic attacks for 12 years.

Im making an appointment for the doctors tomorrow but not sure what else he can do that he hasnt already done. Does anyone else have any advice, & does anyone else have these type of panic attacks happen to them? :unsure:

27-04-10, 13:03
Thank you for your response. Not sure if it freaks me out more or helps, but thanks anyway x

27-04-10, 13:50
Take no notice of that response thats someone who truly has been ciursed by the 'evil eye' LOL.

I havent had this with an individual panic attack so much but when I had a series of very serious poanic attacks when I was siffereing badly with diabetic retinopathy I seemed to lose my memory. I have only vague memories of about 6 months of my life.

I think the answer is that its a bit of a protection mechanism from your brain that occurrs when we go into shock. Your brain doesnt know the difference between real and percieved threat and therefore responds the same way to both and one of these responses is shutting off the memory or it could be other parts of the brain so that the bits you need to protect yourself have more power - does that make sense?


27-04-10, 14:04
Hi mummy

I had the same thing years ago, I was in holiday in Cornwall, and one night I was in such a panic, my wife was trying to calm me down but I was convinced I was about to die. It went on for about 25 mins but I can only remember the start.

Anyway, it never happened again.

I think sometimes we just get worked into such a state that our minds just go into overdrive.

I wouldn't worry about it :) it was probably just your minds way of coping with an overload of anxiety.



28-04-10, 19:44
Hi mummy

I had the same thing years ago, I was in holiday in Cornwall, and one night I was in such a panic, my wife was trying to calm me down but I was convinced I was about to die. It went on for about 25 mins but I can only remember the start.

Anyway, it never happened again.

I think sometimes we just get worked into such a state that our minds just go into overdrive.

I wouldn't worry about it :) it was probably just your minds way of coping with an overload of anxiety.



Thanks, it hasnt happened again yet either. Its just the scareyness of not remembering that gets me now. A few years without one like that, that gives me hope. :hugs: Thanksx