View Full Version : MRI in 25 mins

26-04-10, 09:37
Well it is that dreaded time, my MRI in 25 mins, I am shacking like a leaf, I have no idea if I will go through with it................ Peter

26-04-10, 10:05
Peter, Sorry I don't know what your MRI is for but good luck - you can do it:D


26-04-10, 10:25
Good luck Peter, remain positive!

sarah jayne
26-04-10, 13:36
By the time u read read this you will have had it, i hope your ok. I managed it last week, it wasnt pleasant but i did it. Thanks for wishing me good luck.
Sarah x

26-04-10, 15:22
Thank you to everyone, and your kind words of encouragement, it mean a lot.

The scan was a little delayed as there was an emergency patient from A&E that needed a scan, the staff bothered to come out to tell us and we spent the extra half hour in the hospital garden soaking up the sun.

We explained how claustrophobic I was and they did all they could to help me. I was able to bring a friend into the scan with me to hold my hand, this made all the difference, with out it I am not sure I would have coped.

It was not the best experience, but as people here suggested I kept my eyes shut ALL the way from getting on the couch to get back on, I saw nothing.

I knew it would be noisy which it was but didn't want ear plugs as they make me even more claustrophobic, they did say they had to make me ware them due to health and safety, then the technician said, to hell with it if it makes you feel better forget them.

The test was made up with, first setting the scanner up, this took, about 4-5 mins then several scans, each lasting between 2-7 mins. I was told if I wanted a rest at any time I was just to push the buzzer, and if possible try to leave it for when there is no noise this way the scan will not have to be repeated. The whole scan lasted about 35 mins, I was at the clinic about 2 hours total.

I did the scan without having to hit the panic button, yes I was terrified, my mouth was dry and I found it hard to swallow, all the panic symptoms, and this afternoon I feel I have run the London Marathon twice!, all my muscles ache, and I feel exhausted, but the feeling of achievement far out weighs all that.

I did not opt to have the valium although my GP had given me a couple, my advice for anyone going for one of these scans is, keep your eyes closed from the moment you get on the couch to the moment you finish, but take a friend or loved one with you into the scan, it makes all the difference. Be upfront with the staff and tell them before you go that you are very anxious, they have seen it all before and will normally do all they can to help.

I was so impressed that we brought them a box of Roses chocolates for all there help, I think they do a wonderful job, even though our local hospital may not rate in the highest in the Governments League Tables I can not fault there caring and helpful attitude.

My next hurdle is waiting for the results, I am dreading that big time, but one thing at a time. You guys have helped me loads with your encouraging words and good wishes. Peter

26-04-10, 16:21
Peter, I am sure that if there was something nasty you would not have been allowed to leave the hospital or you would have had a phone call by now.

26-04-10, 17:32
Well done you! Good luck with the results.

26-04-10, 17:34
Well done Peter - you sound incredibly brave and instead of running away from your fear you faced it:D


Onwards & Upwards
26-04-10, 18:31
Well done Peter, that can't have been easy, great that you had a friend to hold your hand too!

You're nearly there now, do you know how long you have to wait for the results? I'm sure they will come back fine, please make sure that you give yourself a treat after! :yesyes:

26-04-10, 18:38
Well done for being really brave. It must of been frightening for you but you did it! We are all thinking of you and hoping you get your results soon. Please let us all know how you get on. Will be thinking of you.

Take Care x

26-04-10, 20:58
Well done Peter. Hope that all goes well for you.

28-04-10, 10:32
Well done and hope the results are ok :) Keep us updated!!