View Full Version : follow up appointment re lump

26-04-10, 09:38
today at 2 :weep:

i just know she is going to refer me to the breast clinic & i just cant cope with going through that again :weep:

sorry pointless post but im so worried

26-04-10, 10:02
Hi Tash

Just wanted to let you know you're not alone. I am going through exactly the same thing.

I found a lump back in Aug last year and had the worst few weeks of my life, it turned out to be a fibroadenoma and I had it removed even though it was benign.

Well this time I have had pain in my left breast near my armpit for a few months left it to see if it went away after period and it didnt and now i think I can feel a lump there too :weep:

I am sooo sick with worry I can barely function I don't want to go through this again :(

you're not alone chick, hope all goes well.

Maybe we can help each other through this.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


26-04-10, 13:55
I went through this earlier this year too. Ended up being referred to breast clinic at Royal Marsden. All was fine and they let me know the same day although it was awful waiting for the appointment.

Will be thinking of you today.

Good luck xx

26-04-10, 14:38
good luck tash, dont forget to post the good news when you get it :-)

27-04-10, 09:24
HI all, the doctor thinks its a milk duct thats enlarged which i guess makes sense but she just kept saying it wouldnt happen in a 22 /23 year old which actually didnt reassure me as i felt she was fobbing me off. The first time she felt it she didnt even feel in the right place!

She wants to re asses in a few weeks. So i guess im none the wiser x

27-04-10, 09:35
Hi Tash

I'm sorry you didn't get a definate diagnosis and that you feel fobbed off:hugs:

But on the plus side the fact that she hasn't referred you to the breast clinic is a good thing - that to me says she is sure it is a milk duct, I know this probably doesn't offer you any reassurance.

When is your next appt?


27-04-10, 13:44
Hi Tash,

I have a 6 month old (my third baby) and when I was about 30 weeks pregnant I got a blocked duct.

After bubs was born - I could feel a lump that wouldn't go away. I got it investigated and that ended up in a biopsy as they couldn't determine what it was via ultrasound.

The Biopsy showed that it was a Galactocele (sorry I think the spelling may be wrong) which was basically a milk filled cyst.

This is quite common I believe in pregnant and lactating women.

Chin up! Will be thinking of you

27-04-10, 14:45
thanks both i need to book an appointment in 6 weeks!

Sam thats exactly what happened to me after i had my son, mine was a galactocele too x i hope thats wht it is x