View Full Version : Citalopram and work

26-04-10, 09:56
Hi all

I am on day 14 of 20mg.

I was just wondering, do most people continue going to work (if you are working) over this time, or have many of you dound you have not been able to? I continued going to work up to last Wed, even though I have never felt so sick and spaced out. Then I asked work if I could work from home for a couple of days so that I could avoid the commute and rest in the day, which was ok, and I hoped by today I would be feeling better, but in fact I have had so little sleep (3-4 hours for the last few nights) that I feel like I am barely functioning.

I asked my boss if I could work from home again and he told me to take the day off sick as he is not sure I should be working. Certainly even when I am working I don't think I am being productive, and in fact these last couple of weeks have passed by in such a haze that I don't have much idea what I have done and what I haven't!

I spoke to the emergency doctor at my surgery who is giving me a prescription of something to help me sleep, and she said she thought I should be off sick from work but to wait until I have my proper follow up appointment on Wednesday, and I can get a back dated sick note.

I find this really hard because I don't really want to be off work, but at the same time I just can't get my head round work at the moment. Plus, I know one of the side effects can be increased anxiety for a while, and it feels like this is happening to me ABOUT work - maybe partly because I am so worried about how foggy my mind is, but for example the other day I used a fork at work, went to the kitchen to wash it, and because there was someone else in the kitchen I couldn't! I had to pretend to get another drink until he'd gone, and then wash it up, because I didn't want him to see me doing it - not sure what that is about.

Anyway, I was just interested to hear other peoples experiences really, if you had to take any time off. I am due to be increasing my doesage this week (should have been last week but because of the side effects I didn't) so am worrying about the impact that will have on work as well, if the original side effects come back as strong as they were.

V x

26-04-10, 10:14
I am on Day 10 today and so far I managed not to take any time off. Just last Monday I came in a couple of hours late, but it was more due to my anxiety than the Citalopram (I am actually on Escitalopram, but similar).
I honestly could do with a week off as for me too it is harder to function, but I fear I'd be home with nothing to do and my anxiety would just get worse.
Also, I want to keep my life as normal as possible and try to "ignore" the anxiety, as hard as that can be! So taking time off work would kind of being admitting defeat really.

26-04-10, 18:06

I have found with starting meds that the side effects that are usually caused by them mean you need to take time off work until they settle. It is hard for some people I know, but it just takes that added pressure of work off and enables you to rest if you need to etc.

I can understand the trying to keep things as normal as possible and work can help you ignore the anxiety, but in some peoples cases it is not that easy. I dont think that taking time off work should be a problem in most peoples cases.


26-04-10, 18:15

I've managed without taking time off, but Cit does have me yawning in morning so I have a snooze during lunch. If the side effects aren't too bad you're probably best going into work, so long as you are safe. I'm not sure I am since joining this forum and lifting my mild depression my jokes are putting me in grave danger from my friends at work threatening to lynch me.

26-04-10, 23:44
This time around I managed to keep working, too. I started Citalopram on my first of three days off. By the time I went back to work I was already feeling good. The usual side effects lingered but I was feeling the good effects too. Maybe because my body was already accustomed to the drug, from being on it for 3 years prior, I responded to it quicker this time, with less intense side effects. (In the thick of this depression, before starting Citalopram again, I was seriously considering chucking my job because I was overwhelmed all the time. Glad I stuck it out).

But as I know, these medications affect everyone differently. And if you need some time off, you should take it.

jaded jean
27-04-10, 08:54
Hi all just read through the replys re work etc and cit. I have been off work for 8 months now and have a fear of returning,this is with the thinking they wont deem me competent enough. I work with frail elderlies so maybe I can see where they are coming from. Its such a long time and I am concerned about my future and work in general.

27-04-10, 10:05
The thing with me is also that I know how these things go in offices, and sometimes you get the insensitive ones who think that anxiety is just an excuse for someone to be off work for weeks. Either that or that you are "weak" and unfit for the job.

There is a girl that goes off sick every other day in my office and she comes up with the most absurd reasons for it, but sometimes she would also play the "anxiety/depressed" card and colleagues in the office make some pretty nasty remarks about it.

In her case I know she is really taking the p*ss, but because of this I am very careful not to tell people at work I suffer from anxiety.

27-04-10, 10:55
Hi V

I somehow managed to keep going to work, didn't have a choice really - no leave due and mortgage to pay. Somehow I got through it, looking back I can't believe I did. I kept thinking if they ever found out just how mangled my brain felt at the time, I'd be sacked for sure. For about 2 weeks I felt like I was tripping on LSD! Having said all that, if I could have taken the time off, I would have, no question.

Best of luck


27-04-10, 12:40
Thanks all.

I work in HR so I am quite lucky in that people are used to dealing with this kind of thing and know what to do! I have only told my manager and he has been very nice about it.

I am on day 15 now, and yesterday was my first day off sick from work because of this ( I am anticipating being off for the rest of the week depending on what the doc says tomorrow) I didnt really want anytime off either. For me the first week was horrendous, even breathing made me feel sick, second week was bad but not quite so bad, but my main problem has been the lack of sleep and total disorientation from what is going on. I just feel I am not coping with work because of this, and whereas before, yes work can be stressful but it wasn't one of my MAIN anxieties, now I can feel it building as one, because I feel like i have no idea what I am doing at the moment and I just want to sleep! So I am thinking maybe a week off would not be a bad thing, as I would like to avoid being properly anxious about work if I can! I have a blackberry and can log in from home if I need/want to, so I am not totally away from it, but enough to take a bit of pressure off.

Anyway, will see what the doc says tomorrow.

V xx