View Full Version : This type of attack was new to me.

26-04-10, 10:13
I have suffered with panic attacks for a long time and as we all do HATE THEM and constantly wish i was someone else, someone normal who just got on with their life and didnt have this condition.

I feel stressed and anxious sometimes caused by a situation or just general anxiety but not caused by anything i can see and then this peaks into a panic attack. This is how it goes for me.

Yesterday i thought i had achieved so much, i had pushed myself to take the kids to football tournaments, a Cub day out sort of fete thing for my son and even treked through someone woods to find it for a mile without knowing where i was going - just me and my two children. I was anxious but strode on through it all because i had too.
So by the end of the day i was really pleased with myself.

HOWEVER that evening i was lying on my bed relaxing watching telly and suddenly out of the blue i had a panic attack, it came from no where, no build up nothing. It has shocked me so much, this has never happened to me before! It frightened me so much that even after it was over i felt so anxious and on the verge of another one i couldnt fall asleep until after 2am.

Today im still very anxious and have just had another attack.
Im so scared and confused, what is going on with me?

Please HELP me with some advice or something, i feel so very alone and afraid. I just wanna cry and i felt i was doing so much better over the past few days......

:weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep: :scared15:

26-04-10, 11:33
:hugs:hi popsy,sorry your feeling rough,iv had panic attacks that have just come on like that,then other times iv had the adrelin rush before hand,or the fast heart beat,as a warning one is on the way,either way both as bone chilling as the other,somtimes panic comes like that,fast and furious,and this being a new one on you, understand how scared confused its made you feel,there isnt much one can do when it comes on like that,only to try and do some realy deep breathing,in through the nose for 6,and out slowly as poss through the mouth for 7,its what i do and find it helps a little calms the panic mode down,iv sufferd many years with p/a,and anxiety,which i have every day,wish i was rid of it and be normal,but im not and like so many of us here have to try and soldier on best we can,i dont take any meds as i had a few bad reactions so im scared to try any now i just have to sit them out.iv probly not helped you much hun,but am reaching out to you in hopes it comforts you through the day and hope you feel better soon.xxxxx:bighug1:

jude uk
26-04-10, 12:20
This is very interesting because I am working on exactly that. What is the trigger that sets off an attack? How do we go from happily walking along the road or doing whatever activity to having an attack. The other question that goes along with that is,what is the real fear?

The trigger I believe is controled reaction. We react in the same way that we have allowed our minds to control us.
The trigger I belive is different for most but the same result for everyone. The trigger itself can be so small that we wont at first recognise it. The trigger is like flicking a light switch, its that quick and our brain sends a trigger to our memory and our memory brings to mind "yes last time we had that feeling we felt panic". All of this in less than a second.
Why does our memory draw on the negative thoughts? I believe we have in our mind/sub conscious re-lived the negative so many times that the brain automatically pulls this negative thought up. Fear is so powerful an emotion and with fear comes all the other horrible thoughts.
I do think if we can understand our fear then we can overcome it. Yet I think this becomes very blurry.

When I talk of triggers I think if I flick your ear you will automatically feel pain. You react in a controled way. I for one hate peanut butter and the very thought of it makes me go yuk, without even tasting it.

Triggers are powerful but there is a link between them. If we break the wire the light switch may be flicked on but the bulb will not light up.

Hope this makes sense as its work in progress

26-04-10, 12:20
Sometimes I do really well through the day and then all of a sudden I will have a panic attack. It could have been an accumulation of some adrenalin through the day that you had; I know that can happen sometimes. I know it is scarey.

27-04-10, 07:20
hey ,,, how u doin bro ?
actually im a new and you are the first guy who i reply posttin in his supject :)
anyway, doid i got the same what you have and i guess the only things to keep you a way from this are:
1) try to listen to romantic music
2) do some exercises
3) read books
4) go out and walk
5) this is the most important that you should do it ... don't go crazy
or doin evil things..
these are some sites which i really like to hear when i feel depression from social anxiety ......
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK0plHjzvl4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK0plHjzvl4)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk2PVLAjdgE&feature=PlayList&p=85E37D862ABE57B1&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=17 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk2PVLAjdgE&feature=PlayList&p=85E37D862ABE57B1&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=17)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pqnn2ybgsI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pqnn2ybgsI)

pink star
27-04-10, 07:43
Hi I recently woke up having a panic attack something I have never experienced