View Full Version : anxiety chest pain

26-04-10, 10:34
Can anybody explain anxiety chest pain to me, I understand that my muscles are tense but why do I feel 'bruised' and have throbbing pain and I also feel 'cheasty' like I have a cough, these symptoms happen a lot, Doctor says there is nothing wrong with me just anxiety, 'just' easy for him to say, would really help a lot if someone could give me a bit of insight:scared15:

pat davis
26-04-10, 11:18
i also get really bad chest pains and they move all around the rib cage. when i touch the pain it hurts more. my pains move from my rib cage and into my arms. my GP says to take paracetemol which i do and this seems to help a little.

26-04-10, 13:00
My pains don't hurt really when I touch them is it still my muscles??

26-04-10, 13:52
I get a lot of chest pain from over breathing too.

sarah jayne
26-04-10, 14:05
Ive got this at the moment, my chest feels really tight and sore, its been like this since last night, its bloody awful ...:unsure:

26-04-10, 15:23
i suffer a lot of chest pain,,its mainly stress,,what i find eases it,,is to stretch my arms over my head,,go on do it,,dont hurry it ,,its as if your stretching when you first wake,,it loosens the muscles we tense while over breathing or clenching because tense. hope this helps

Vanilla Sky
26-04-10, 18:17
The chest pain we experience during panic is muscle contractions in the chest wall and also tension , this is what causes the pain and tightness and general discomfort. Just know it won't harm you and it will go away

27-04-10, 10:57
Thanks, the strecthing did help as did the paracetamol, just hate the feeling. I do end up concentrating on my breathing to much which is a nightmare, I feel like I have to take the deepest breath all the time, I've tried breathing exercises but this seems to make me worse

27-04-10, 10:59
I think so, mine never used to hurt when I touched it

27-04-10, 18:58
I do get chest pain and it seems to go right around to my back

27-04-10, 19:15
My breathing is terrible at the moment and I just can't get it in check. Have the chest pain too so I know how you are feeling!!

28-04-10, 02:53
This man has helped me immensely over the last few weeks. Anyway this is a video of Charles Linden explaining why you get chest pain with anxiety.
